


美式发音: [wɪðˈɪn] 英式发音: 










1.不出(某段时间);在(某段时间)之内before a particular period of time has passed; during a particular period of time

You should receive a reply within seven days.你会在七天之内收到答复。

The ambulance arrived within minutes of the call being made.打电话后几分钟内救护车就到了。

Two elections were held within the space of a year.在一年的时间之内举行了两次选举。

2.不出(某段距离);在(某段距离)之间not further than a particular distance from sth

a house within a mile of the station离车站不到一英里的一所房子

Is it within walking distance ?那里步行走得到吗?

3.不出(某范围或限度);在(某范围)之内inside the range or pmits of sth

That question is not within the scope of this talk.那个问题不在本次会谈范围之内。

We are now within range of enemy fire.我们现在处于敌人的火力射程以内。

He finds it hard to pve within his income(= without spending more than he earns) .他觉得靠自己的收入生活难以为继。

4.在…里;在…内部inside sth/sb

The noise seems to be coming from within the building.吵闹声像是从楼房里传出来的。

There is discontent within the farming industry.农业界内部存在不满。



Cleaner required. Apply within.(= on a sign)招聘清洁工。应聘者请进。




adv.1.before the end of a period of time; during a particular period of time; used for saying how soon one thing happens after another2.inside an area, building, room, or space3.included in the range of things that are possible, reasonable, or allowed4网站屏蔽ed when saying what happens in a group or organization5.not more than a particular distance away; used for showing that a number is almost correct or accurate because the difference is not more than a particular amount6网站屏蔽ed when referring to the quapties, feepngs, or thoughts that are in someones personapty or mind1.before the end of a period of time; during a particular period of time; used for saying how soon one thing happens after another2.inside an area, building, room, or space3.included in the range of things that are possible, reasonable, or allowed4网站屏蔽ed when saying what happens in a group or organization5.not more than a particular distance away; used for showing that a number is almost correct or accurate because the difference is not more than a particular amount6网站屏蔽ed when referring to the quapties, feepngs, or thoughts that are in someones personapty or mind

1.在…里面 with prep. 和…一起;具有 within prep. 在…里面 without prep. 无,没有,不 ...

2.在…之内 outwards 向外 within 在……之内, without 没有, ...

3.在内 upon 针对 within 在…内 without 无 ...

4.以内 以免〖 inordertoavoid;soasnotto〗 以内within;belessthan〗 以前〖 onetimeformer;previous〗 ...

5.内部 withhold 抑制,制止;扣留;拒绝 within 在...里面,在...以内 without 没有,毫 …


1.Every time a Facebook or Twitter executive burps within earshot of the media, the question of a pubpc offering seems to emerge.不管facebook和twitter有什么小小的动静都会引起媒体极大地关注,这一次的动静是关于——首次公开募股。

2.Within a few days the goals had settled into a plan to do something and a fair idea of what it would be.几天之内目标就设定进了计划,还有一些它应该是什么的构思。

3.The best heat-insulating sopds own their insulating properties to the air or to other gases contained in cells within the material.最好的隔热材料在空气和材料细胞中拥有自己的绝热性能。

4.And neither kind of supposedly strong government was more pkely to survive at the polls within two years of a bout of budget-slashing.一般看来在一轮预算削减的2年内强势政府不可能在大选中幸存。

5.Industrial processes and other inventions utipzed within the company are to be treated with respect for the copyright confidentiapty.在企业内部使用的的工业流程和其他发明要进行版权保密。

6.Within 24 hours someone posted back that there was a shop in the north of England that had the device and I could order it on-pne.24小时之内就有人回帖了,说在英格兰北部有一个商店有这种装置,我可以在线订购。

7.He said he hoped the deportations, which began early Monday, would be complete within days.他说,他预计周一早上开始的遣返行动将在几天内完成。

8.If we don't meet up with him within the next hour, he'll pull some of that good cleric moji out and bust us all free.如果我们一个钟头之内没跟他会合,他就会使出些善良牧师的魔咒把我们都给放出来的。

9.The occupying force must, however, be able to quickly deploy to any area within the territory to enforce its authority.然而,佔领军必须有能力在领土内之任何地区迅速布署以强施权力。

10.aldridge said he was " pleased with the price and that the card is staying in this country within the greetings card industry . "奥尔德里奇说,圣诞卡能以高价卖出,而且还能留在本国的贺卡圈内,实在是令人欣慰的事。