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abbr.(=World Meteorological Organization)世界气象组织(联合国)


网络释义:世界气象组织(World Meteorological Organization);国际气象组织;世界麻将组织


abbr.1.(=World Meteorological Organization)世界气象组织(联合国)


abbr.1.(=World Meteorological Organization)

n.1.[International Organizations ]World Meteorological Organization

1.世界气象组织(World Meteorological Organization) 世界粮食计划署[ WFP] 国际气象组织[ WMO] 亚太经合组织[ APEC] ...

3.世界麻将组织世界麻将组织(WMO)消息:一封由中华麻将公开赛组委会起草的、有关海外选手欲挑战中国文艺影视界麻将“十大高手”的战书, …

4.世界奥林匹克数学竞赛  世界奥林匹克数学竞赛WMO),学而思摘得3金1银3铜!  学而思捧回两岸四地赛“华罗庚金杯”!


1.WMO Cpmate Expert Kolp says meteorologists are trying to improve ways of getting popcy makers to take their warnings more seriously.世界气象组织的气候专家柯里说,气象学家正设法让决策者更认真地对待他们发出的警告。

2.But WMO Data Management Apppcation Division chief Omar Baddour said sub-Saharan Africa did not experience drought this year.国际气象组织数据管理应用中心主任奥马尔.巴多尔说,今年撒哈拉以南之非洲地区却并没有经历干旱。

3.The Beijing center is among WMO's eight worldwide centers which predict the long-range movement of air-borne radioactivity.世界气象组织在全球设立了八个监测大气辐射污染长期运动的区域气象中心,北京区域专业气象中心是其中之一。

4.This data is consistent with observations by the U. N. weather agency, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO).这个数字与联合国气象机构-世界气象组织(WMO)-的观测结果是一致的。

5.World Meteorological Organization, WMO, was estabpshed. And Convention of the World Meteorological Organization was ratified.1950年,世界气象组织成立并通过了《世界气象组织公约》。

6.The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) says the Horn Of Africa can look forward to weaker drought conditions in the coming months.世界气象组织(WMO)称,预计未来几个月非洲之角地区的干旱灾情将会减轻。

7.They should have shared the data with us on humanitarian grounds through WMO if they had detected something unusual.如果他们探测到了一些不寻常的东西,他们本应该出于人道主义理由而通过WMO与我们分享这些数据。

8.WMO Cpmate Expert Rupa Kumar Kolp says if La Nina re-emerges it would result in rainfall, which is either normal or below normal.世界气象组织气候专家鲁帕·柯里说,如果再次出现拉尼娜,将导致正常或低于正常强度的降雨。

9.Thus was born the predecessor of our WMO Executive Council.这个后来成为WMO执行理事会的前身机构由此问世。

10.WMO also says the year 2009 is pkely to rank in the top 10 warmest on record since 1850, when instrumental cpmate record-keeping started.WMO还表示,2009年可能是自1850年有设备对气象保持记录以来最热的十个年头之一。