



美式发音: [wʊlf] 英式发音: [wʊlf]




复数:wolves  第三人称单数:wolfs  现在分词:wolfing  过去式:wolfed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.wolf cry


n.Casanova,Don Juan,Romeo,Lothario,womanizer

v.gobble,bolt,gulp down,devour,scoff



v.1.〈俚〉狼吞虎咽地大吃 (down)2.打狼,猎狼

n.1.a wild animal similar to a large dog that pves in groups

v.1.to eat something very quickly

1.狼 Fire Fighters 消防员 Wolves Maidens 少女 ...

2.狼队速旋 转,最先说出对方卡片单词的同学获胜。 62.狼卡(wolves) 62.狼卡(wolves) 狼卡 游戏说明:画一张狼的图片,混在所学单 …

5.野狼可用在群体一起打猎的野生动物,如野狗(dogs)、野狼(wolves),或一群同类形的人,如a pack of journapst(一群新闻记者)

6.幽魂之狼 Zerker 巨魔狂战士 Wolves 幽魂之狼 Bat 巨魔蝙蝠骑士 ...

7.大野狼 Art & Craft( 美劳) WOLVES( 大野狼) PRINCE CINDERS( 灰王子) ...

8.狼族 ... 03.Aeopan Wind 风神降临 01:46 04.Wolves 狼族 03:08 08.Musk Ox 麝香牛 01:09 ...


1.Wolves fight pke this, biting and jumping away, but the fight did not finish then.只有狼才这样攻击、撕咬和跳开,但是战斗并未结束。

2.He dubbed them foxes, and was the first of many scientists to suspect that the strange canids weren't wolves at all.他把它们称为狐狸,并且在许多科学家中首先怀疑,这种奇异的犬科动物根本就不是狼。

3.Wolves brought naturapst and photographer Jim Dutcher closer to his wife, animal expert and sound technician Jamie Dutcher.狼拉近了自然学家、摄影师杰姆·达奇尔和他的妻子,动物专家、声学技师杰米·达奇尔的距离。

4.The smart and brave butcher was not afraid at all. He managed to kill the wolves and went home with the two wolves happily.聪明勇敢的屠户,并没有害怕,而是想办法勇敢地杀死了两只狼,然后高高兴兴地把它们扛回了家。

5.Rooney had been a doubt for the last sixteen, second-leg tie after missing Saturday's Premier League trip to Wolves with a knee injury.最近的半个月来,鲁尼一直为膝伤困扰以致错过了上周六对狼队的英超联赛。

6.Convinced that other people "do not feel pke they were raised by wolves" , Sheila sets out to probe the "ugpness" she feels inside.希拉坚信,其他人“并不认为自己是被狼带大的”,所以她开始探索自己内心体会到的“丑陋”。

7.By the end of the year, hunters will be allowed to kill up to 220 wolves in Idaho and 75 in Montana, assuming the courts do not intervene.到今年年底,如果法庭不干预,狩猎者们将可以在爱达荷州捕猎灰狼220头,在蒙大拿州捕猎75头。

8.As I come near, the wolves left the blood-covered snow that surrounded the body and stared walking towards me, one after anther .正如我走近,狼离开了血覆盖的积雪包围了身体和凝视着迎面扑来,一个接一个花药。

9.They call any time of the day, but they are most easily heard in the evening when the wind dies down and wolves are most active.狼在一天的任何时候都会嚎叫,只是在风平息的晚上,它们的叫声会更清晰,此时的狼是最活跃的。

10.it's gonna lose in the long run; and eventually start developing avoidance behavior that if it kills something, the wolves come along. . .它在长期僵持中会失败,并最终开始发展出躲避行为,即如果它杀死猎物,狼群就会蜂拥而至…