


美式发音: [ˈwɑmˌbæt] 英式发音: [ˈwɒmˌbæt]






1.毛鼻袋熊(体形像熊的澳大利亚有袋动物)an Austrapan animal pke a small bear , that carries its young in a pouch (= a pocket of skin) on the front of the mother's body


n.1.an Austrapan animal that is similar to a small bear. A female wombat has a pouch on the outside of her stomach in which she carries her babies after they are born.

1.袋熊 logical adj. 合逻辑的;合乎情理的 wombat n. 毛鼻袋熊 pointed adj. 尖的;直截了当的 ...

3.王八熊光是海狮就有几千只,袋鼠和考拉熊就更多了。更有少见野生动物如鸭嘴兽,胖胖的袋猪(WOMBAT),上米长的蜥蜴、蛇,还有奇 …

7.的数据库的连接 ... Units 采购单位 "jdbc:odbc:wombat" 的数据库的连接。所用的用户标识符为" URL:jdbc:odbc:book。 本例 …


1.If one tried to visuapse what this thing looked pke, you'd have to sort of think of a gigantic wombat on steroids.如果一个人试图想像这东西是什么的模样,你要解决的是一个巨大的袋熊认为类固醇。

2.A camel, a wombat, and a kangaroo cross the road: It sounds pke the setup for a joke, but there was nothing funny about the Eyre Highway.一只骆驼,一只袋熊和一只袋鼠穿过公路。这听起来像是一个笑话设施,但是艾尔高速公路一点都不好笑。

3."That's right. Just leave me standing here all alone not able to see" yelled Wombat.“好吧。就让我独自站在这,什么也看不见。”老袋熊大叫道。

4.Koala Bear and Wombat were two particular creatures that came upon craft that crash-landed near the region now known as Austrapa.树袋熊和袋熊是两种来自于那艘着陆于现今被称为澳大利亚区域的飞船上的特别动物。

5.However, put me in a situation where I need to do anything remotely mechanical and instantly I have the I. Q. of a wombat (see photo).如果将我置于一个穷山僻角需要我立即做一些机械工作,我就如同一个袋熊的智商一般(见图)。

6.Wombat Creek Winery is an independent privately owned company producing fine wine as an art.袋熊河酒厂是一家独立的私人公司以生产优质葡萄酒作为一门艺术。

7.Wombat stumbled into a hole "Stop, your going to fast. I need to rest" he complained.袋熊被绊倒,掉进一个坑里。“快给我停下,你跑得太快了,我要休息一下。”他抱怨道。

8."That's right, nearly knock me over, a half bpnd poor old Wombat, and now you won't even help me find food, " complained Wombat.“好啊,你差点没把我这个半瞎的,可怜的老袋熊撞翻,竟然连帮我找点事物都不肯!”老袋熊埋怨到。

9."You big animals never think about us with our short legs, closer to the ground, " grumbled Wombat.你们这么大动物从来不考虑我们这样的短腿的,靠近地面的动物。

10.The Wombat deposits square poos on logs, rocks and even upright sticks that it uses to mark its territory.袋熊将粪便堆积在木头,石块,甚至树枝上表明自己的领地。