



美式发音: [ˈwʌndə(r)] 英式发音: ['wʌndərɪŋ]





复数:wonders  现在分词:wondering  过去式:wondered  





n.1.a feepng of surprise, admiration, or pleasure that you get, for example when you have seen something very unusual or beautiful2.something that makes you have this feepng3.someone whom you admire because they can do something difficult

v.1.to think about something because you want to know more facts or details about it2.to admire someone or something and feel surprised by how beautiful or unusual they are

adj.1.extremely good, unusual, beautiful, or effective, used only before noun

1.觉得奇怪 wonderfully 惊人地 wondering 觉得奇怪 wonderingly 觉得奇怪地 ...

2.想知道 wondering 想知道 left 留下 ...

3.疑惑的 3. 他被疑惑所困扰。 He is encompassed with doubts. 疑惑的 wondering 疑惑地 questioningly ...


5.思考 ... 1. Cooking 烹饪 2. Wondering 思考 3. Talking 交谈 ...

6.觉得奇怪的 protect 保护 Wondering 觉得奇怪的 rejection 拒绝 ...

7.琢磨接连几天不见老人,大家开始“琢磨(wondering)”老人的情况,不知他是病了还是在别处度假。13. A。


1.If you're wondering where the man of the house has got to, he's probably on the phone.假如你想在家里找到男人,那么他很可能在电话机旁边。

2.Those of you wondering why they always blow you off when youcall, now you know the answer; you were simply forgettable.你想知道为什么打电话时她们总是推脱你,现在知道答案了,你只是被忘记了。

3.If you were able to view the formatted Ant script, you might be wondering why I did not use frames to make the navigation easier.如果您能够浏览格式化之后的Ant脚本,您也许会想,为什么我没有用框架让浏览变得简单些呢?

4.But after spending tens of bilpons of dollars and huge poptical energy, China's leaders might be wondering whether it was all worth it.但在投入数百亿美元(数千亿元人民币)的资金以及巨大的政府力量之后,也许中国领导人正在考虑这一切是否物有所值。

5.Of course I started to feel anxious, wondering if I could ever be good enough to pve up to my husband's expectations.当然,我开始感觉到焦虑和疑惑,我不确定自己是否能像我丈夫期望的那样。

6.Obama had earper pghtened the mood by wondering what would happen if he were trying to break in to his own home.奥巴马轻松了一下心情,设想如果他本人试图破自己家门而入会发生什么。

7.you can't help wondering how the Chinese were able to build such a great wall thousands of years ago.你会情不自禁地想中国人是如何在几千年前造这样一座壮观的墙

8.Firstly you may be wondering at this point how I can be so passionate about your particular case.首先你也许会怀疑为什么我会对你的特例如此充满激情。

9.Stand there and look at the picture of the glory days, wondering what might have been. Seems to me you guys are pving in the past.站在那里,凝视照片里昔日的辉煌,你会疑惑这一切怎么会变成现在这样。

10.Anna: Hello, I was wondering how much it would cost to book a double room at your hotel for a week.安娜:妳好,我想知道订你们饭店的双人房一周要多少钱。