


美式发音: [ˈwʊdˌkʌtər] 英式发音: [ˈwʊdˌkʌtə(r)]






1.伐木工a person whose job is cutting down trees


n.1.someone whose job is to cut down trees

1.樵夫 woodcock 鸟鹬 woodcutter 樵夫;伐木工 wooden 木制的 ...

2.伐木工 woodcock 鸟鹬 woodcutter 樵夫;伐木工 wooden 木制的 ...

3.伐木者 betrothal 婚约 ... woodcutter 伐木者, 木刻师... subtraction 减少 ... ...

4.伐木工人最厉害的帝国,他们的步兵比其他帝国的步兵快15%;伐木工人Woodcutter)的工作效率比别国高15%; 攻城武器快20%…

5.划木者 woodcut 木刻 woodcutter 划木者 woodcutting 木雕的 ...

6.伐木所 ... 林业员 Forester 伐木所 Woodcutter 斧 Axe ...

7.木匠木匠Woodcutter) 砍树伐木,提供木材,等级提升,产量增加lel.1 木材 40 黏土 100 生铁 50 粮食 60 消耗 2 耗时 12m20s黏 …


1.The woodcutter again makes a fire for the children, and goes away with his wife.樵夫又为孩子们生了一堆火,然后就跟妻子离开了。

2.The woodcutter was standing next to a fallen tree, with lots of small pieces of wood in front of him.樵夫站在那株倒了的树旁,身前有许多碎木片。

3.But a few days later, the woodcutter took them to the forest again-and this time, Tom Thumb had no pebbles to help them find the way back.可是,过了几天,伐木人再次把他们带进了森林。这次小汤姆没有小石子,他们找不到回家的路。

4.On his way, he met an old bpnd woodcutter sitting on a tree stump.在他的旅途中,他遇到了一名盲目的伐木匠坐在一个树桩上。

5.There was a woodcutter who's about to pick his ax and chop a piece of wood, and the whole galaxy is one atom of that ax.有一个伐木工拿起他的斧子准备砍一块木头。他的斧子很大。整个宇宙不过是其中一粒原子。

6.The woodcutter's song, the ploughboy's on his way in the morning, or at noon intermission or at sundown.伐木工和耕童也一路唱,无论是早上,午间休息还是日落时分。

7.How much wood would a woodcutter cut if the woodcutter could cut wood?如果一个樵夫能伐木,他能伐多少木?

8.The woodcutter carried her to his own house to take care of her.樵夫就把她带回自己家中照顾她。

9.Sudddenly a boy with wings appeared before him. It was Mercury. God had sent him to help the poor woodcutter.突然,一个身插双翼的少年出现在樵夫面前。他就是墨丘利,上帝派他来帮助可怜的樵夫。

10.And then when I would run out of that story, I would imagine that woodcutter's universe is one atom in the ax of another woodcutter.然后我会跳出这个故事,去想象那个伐木工的宇宙。它只是另一个伐木工斧子的一个原子。