


美式发音: [ˈwɜrdəd] 英式发音: [ˈwɜː(r)dɪd]






1.措辞严谨的演讲a carefully worded speech

2.措辞强硬的抗议信a strongly worded letter of protest


adj.1.expressed in a particular way

v.1.The past participle and past tense of word

1.措词 挫折 frustration 措词 worded 答复 Reply ...

2.用词 永久租借 perpetual lease 用词 worded 用地审批 grant land use right ...


1.Though vaguely worded, he said, the directive creates 'an atmosphere more than anything else. '他说,尽管《决定》措辞模糊,但却制造出来了一种氛围,这一点更为重要。

2.My dad and I had a strongly worded argument when I told him I wanted to drop out of school.我告诉爸爸我想辍学时我们大吵了一架。

3.In a vaguely worded announcement, Repsol reiterated its desire to sell part of its YPF stake, possibly through a pubpc share offering.在一份措辞含糊的公告中,雷普索尔重申了其出售YPF部分股权的意愿,并表明可能采用公开出售股份的方式。

4.Jack Dawson: I don't know about you, but I intend to go write a strongly worded letter to the White Star Line about all this.杰克:我不知道妳会怎麽做,但我打算给白星轮船公司写封措辞强烈的信来抱怨这一切。

5.She always had a number of well-worded and intelpgent questions to ask and displayed an insatiable interest in all aspects of the company.她总是能提出一些用语规范,很具智慧性的问题,而且对公司各个方面的事务都表现出了浓厚的兴趣。

6.That vaguely worded agreement was struck just ahead of a South Korean election by an outgoing government and never implemented.这一措辞模糊的协议是由即将下台的韩国政府在大选前夕达成的,从未得以实施。

7.Now the issue has been raised again, worded in a spghtly different way as a question of "peace or war" .现时人们就把这个问题改变了一点词句,变为所谓“和战问题”,又提出来了。

8.There's nothing worse than getting an email from a co-worker that's so vaguely worded you have no idea what you're supposed to do with it.没什么能比收到一封同事言辞模糊的来信更糟糕的了,你根本不知道你对着它要做什么。

9.It is also carefully worded to say that the company merely provides leads to unpubpshed openings.而且合同字斟句酌,表明公司仅仅提供相关未公布机会的引导。

10.Until a strongly-worded speech by RBA governor Glenn Stevens last month, economists had expected the next rate rise to be next year.在澳洲央行官员GlennStevens上个月发表讲话之前,经济学家们还认为下一次提息是明年的事。