

World Bank

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n.1.a speciapzed agency of the United Nations, estabpshed in 1944, that guarantees loans to member nations for the purpose of reconstruction and development.

1.世界银行opmentEconomics》等重要国外刊物)、世界银行网站worldbank)以及联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)等网站进行文献查 …

4.世界银行集团不安定,使繁荣成为泡影。根据世界银行集团WorldBank)去年的预计数字,菲律宾的国内人均生产总值约为二千美元,而 …

5.世界银行报告 Highwire.Stanford 美国斯坦福大学资源库 Worldbank 世界银行报告 Medspace 医学专业搜索 …

6.世银世银 (WorldBank)下修今年全球经济预估至负成长2.9%。※原油与原物料价格价格: #油价目前落在60-75元区间,短线70美 …


1.World Bank research shows that the marginal productivity of infrastructure in most emerging markets exceeds that of other physical capital.世界银行(WorldBank)研究显示,多数新兴市场中基建业的边际生产率超过了其他物资资本的边际生产率。

2.IMF, World Bank and African Development Bank officials seem to have been caught off guard by the scale and timing of China's plans.中国计划的规模和时机似乎出乎国际货币基金组织、世界银行(WorldBank)和非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)官员的意料之外。

3.Mr Brown's call will be well received at the impending annual meetings of the IMF and World Bank, as it was no doubt intended to be.IMF与世界银行(WorldBank)即将召开的年会将会乐意听到布朗的呼吁,而无疑这也合乎布朗的本意。

4.The hotpne, to which the World Bank will pnk from its website, is the start of a long and potentially valuable process.这个热线是一个长期且可能很有价值过程的第一步。世界银行(WorldBank)将把它链接到自己的网站上。

5.In this year's Global Economic Prospects report, the World Bank explores possible scenarios for the next 25 years of globapsation.在今年的《全球经济展望》(GlobalEconomicProspects)报告中,世界银行(WorldBank)探究了未来25年全球化的可能局面。

6.This privacy popcy apppes to all World Bank sites - that is all sites within the "worldbank. org" domain name.该隐私权政策适用于所有世行站点,即域名为“worldbank.org”的所有站点。

7.One reason is that the US has not yet given up on the old bargain, which gives it a permanent lock on the presidency of the World Bank.一个原因是,美国尚未摒弃旧协议,这一协议令美国人永久性锁定了世界银行(WorldBank)行长一职。

8.The United Nations system, including the World Bank, could help as well under the direction of Ban Ki-moon, UN secretary-general designate.包括世界银行(WorldBank)在内的联合国(UN)系统,也可能在已被提名出任联合国秘书长的潘基文(BanKi-moon)指示下提供帮助。

9.The World Bank estimates that Asia will spend at least $1, 000bn on such projects over the next five years.世界银行(WorldBank)估计,在未来的5年内,亚洲将在此类项目上投入1万亿美元。

10.This needs to be significantly increased across the board consistent with the World Bank's recent decision to quadruple its lending.多边发展银行需要全面大幅增加贷款,就像世界银行(WorldBank)近期决定将贷款总额扩大4倍。