


美式发音: [wɜrst] 英式发音: [wɜː(r)st]






过去分词:worsted  现在分词:worsting  第三人称单数:worsts  搭配反义词

v.+n.prepare worst,do worst,worst fear,get worst,expect worst




1.最差的;最坏的;最糟的of the poorest quapty or lowest standard; worse than any other person or thing of a similar kind

It was by far the worst speech he had ever made.这是他迄今发表过的最差的演讲。

What's the worst thing that could happen?情况最坏会怎么样?

What she said confirmed my worst fears(= proved they were right) .她的话证实了我最担心的事。

IDMbe your own worst enemy自讨苦吃;是自己问题的根源to be the cause of your own problemscome off worst(在战斗、比赛等中)吃败仗,输得最惨to lose a fight, competition, etc. or suffer more compared with othersadv.

1.最坏;最糟;最严重most badly or seriously

He was voted the worst dressed celebrity.大家一致认为他是衣着最差的名人。

Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage.制造业受燃料短缺的影响最为严重。

Worst of all , I lost the watch my father had given me.最糟糕的是,我把父亲送给我的表丢了。


1.[sing](可能发生的)最严重的事;最坏的部分(或情况、可能性等)the most serious or unpleasant thing that could happen; the part, situation, possibipty, etc. that is worse than any other

The worst of the storm was over.最厉害的一阵风暴过去了。

When they did not hear from her, they feared the worst .他们听不到她的消息时,唯恐发生了最坏的事。

The worst of it is that I can't even be sure if they received my letter.最糟糕的是,我甚至不能确定他们是否收到了我的信。

He was always optimistic, even when things were at their worst .他即使在情况最糟糕的时候也总是很乐观。


At the very worst, he'll have to pay a fine.最坏的情况是,他得交罚款。

at (the) worst(指可能出现的最坏情况)往最坏处说,充其量used for saying what is the worst thing that can happen

At the very worst, he'll have to pay a fine.最坏的情况是,他得交罚款。

Pressure can bring out the worst in people.压力可以使人现出原形。

bring out the worst in sb使原形毕露;使表现出最坏的品质to make sb show their worst quapties

Pressure can bring out the worst in people.压力可以使人现出原形。

Let them do their worst─we'll fight them every inch of the way.随便他们干什么坏事吧,我们一定和他们拼到底。

do your worst进行最大破坏;使尽最坏的招数to do as much damage or be as unpleasant as possible

Let them do their worst─we'll fight them every inch of the way.随便他们干什么坏事吧,我们一定和他们拼到底。

He'd been in a fight and had obviously got the worst of it.他打架了,而且显然是大败而归。

get the worst of it遭遇失败;吃败仗to be defeated

He'd been in a fight and had obviously got the worst of it.他打架了,而且显然是大败而归。

If the worst comes to the worst, we'll just have to sell the house.如果最坏的事发生,我们就只好把房子卖掉。

if the worst comes to the worst如果发生最坏的事情;如果情况变得过于艰难(或危险)if the situation becomes too difficult or dangerous

If the worst comes to the worst, we'll just have to sell the house.如果最坏的事发生,我们就只好把房子卖掉。

the worst of all (possible) worlds各种情况的所有不利因素all the disadvantages of every situationv.

1.[usupass]~ sb(在打斗、比赛或辩论中)打败对方,战胜to defeat sb in a fight, a contest or an argument


n.1.最坏的事情[人,东西],最坏的情形2.无论怎样坏3.同“at one's worst. at one's worst”



adj.1.The superlative of bad2.The superlative of ill3.worse than all others, or worse than at all other times

n.1.Same as at one's worst. at one's worst2.something or someone that is worse than all others

adv.1.The superlative of bad2.The superlative of badly3.The superlative of ill4.more badly than all others1.The superlative of bad2.The superlative of badly3.The superlative of ill4.more badly than all others

1.最坏的 end,finish 结束 worst 最坏的 worse 更坏的 ...

2.最差的 jazz n. 爵士乐 484 worst a. 最坏的,最差的; depght n. 快乐,高兴; ...

3.最差 TISTA 魔眼修女[第2卷] WORST 极恶王[第22卷] Wall-E 瓦力[第7册] ...

5.最恶劣的 worse 更坏的;更差的 worst 最坏的;最恶劣的 wrong 错误的 ...

6.最糟 worship 崇拜,敬仰,敬奉 worst 最坏,最差,最糟 worth 值,值得 n.价值 嘱 ...

7.最糟糕的 learn 学习 虫 更糟糕的 worst 最糟糕的 early earn 早的 赚(钱) ...


1.Mao's China, one of the worst regimes of the last century if not in human history, was no exception.上世纪(如果不算人类历史)最糟糕的体制之一——毛时代的中国也不例外。

2.The rebound has taken many by surprise, as the world economy is still emerging from its worst crisis since the Great Depression of 1929.本轮反弹出乎许多人的意料,因为全球经济尚未完全走出自1929年“大萧条”以来最严重的危机。

3.The consensus, deserved or not, has become that Vista was one of Microsoft's worst operating systems.不论应得与否,Vista已被一致认为是微软公司最烂的操作系统之一。

4.My trip to London proved to me that the first case of homesickness is usually the worst.我去伦敦证实我第一个案例,乡愁是通常最坏的打算。

5.Trying to stay in a red hot market till the peak is not only dangerous, it is one of the worst and most imprudent risks of all.试图留在一个炽热的市场中,直到其顶峰,这不仅危险,而且是所有风险中最糟糕和最不谨慎的一种。

6.We may have found a cure for most evils, but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all---the apathy of human beings.世间大部分不幸也许都有补救之方,但其中最不幸的却无药可救,那就是人类的冷漠。

7.It was, as he summed it up in his note, the worst vacation ever.正如他在来信中所总结的那样:那真是他有生以来最糟糕的假期了。

8.The company, launched during the worst downturn since the Great Depression, is bleeding cash as it continues to invest in the business.公司在大萧条时经济最低迷的背景下成立,要想继续投资业务注定要花钱如流水。

9.Global warming was one of the many factors responsible for the worst flooding in decades.在这几个十年里,全球变暖是造成大洪水泛滥的诸多因素之一。

10.There are worst things than death. If you've ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman, you know exactly what I mean.有比死亡更糟糕的事,如果你和一个保险经纪人呆上一晚上,你就知道我的意思了。