


网络释义:世界大学联盟(Worldwide Universities Network);奂焕换媛缓豌碗;桓


1.世界大学联盟(Worldwide Universities Network) wu 胡湖糊狐壶乌户恶 wun 奂焕换媛缓豌碗 ying 影形认莹萤营英应 ...

3.桓 WUI 会 WUN WUT 屈 ...

4.世界大学联盟(World Universities Network)The recent World Universities Network (WUN) Conference held in Hangzhou, China saw the debut of the newest smart phone …


1.I do not know how you observe guest right on your mountain, ser. In the north we hold it sacred. Wun Wun is a guest here.我不知道你们国王岭怎么看待宾客权利,爵士。在北方我们相信它是神圣不可侵犯的。旺·旺是我们的宾客。

2.Wun Wun gaped at him with fascination, but when the giant reached for him the fool hopped back away, jingpng.旺·旺着迷地瞪着他看,可是等他伸手去捉,弄臣叮叮当当地向后跳开了。

3.The impressive oral presentation of Fung Yeuk Wun also enabled her to win the Best Presenter Award.冯若媛更凭在决赛当日的出色表现,荣获最佳演讲员大奖。

4.After the professional gambler had wun thousands of dollars from the bar, he walked into the next bar the other day.却说那个赢了好几千美元的职业赌徒,过几天又来到另一家酒吧。

5.Wun Wun is a guest of the Night's Watch, as you are.旺·旺是守夜人的客人,跟你一样。

6."A consumption tax is regressive, " said Song Seng Wun, regional economist with CIMB-GK Research in Singapore.“消费税是递减的,”新加坡联昌国际研究(CIMB-GKResearch)的地区经济学家宋诚焕(SongSengWun)表示。

7.Wun Wun began to laugh.旺·旺开始大笑。

8."Don't be afraid, " Jon told them. "There's no harm in him, Your Grace. This is Wun Wun. "“不必害怕,”琼恩告诉他们。“他不会伤害你们的,陛下。这位是旺·旺。”

9.The spp road connecting Wong Chu Road westbound and Tsing Wun Road northbound.连接皇珠路西行及青云路北行的支路。

10.The Yuanmin New Palace and other four companies wun the honour of Audience Preferred Brands.圆明新园等五个品牌则荣获了观众喜爱的珠海品牌称号。