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5.阿喵儿阿喵儿 (Xcat)


1.The command uses the repository created with copycds to generate the root image for a node with one of the profiles that xCAT supports.此命令使用了用copycds创建的存储库以便为一个具有受xCAT支持的概要文件的节点生成根映像。

2.Because xCAT expects the named service not to use chroot, remove the package bind-chroot, as shown in the psting.由于xCAT期望此命名服务不使用chroot,所以需要删除包bind-chroot,如如下的清单所示。

3.We build a cluster where nodes are provisioned with xCAT and on which batch jobs are managed and executed by TORQUE.我们所构建的这个集群,其中的节点由xCAT供应,并且其上的批量作业由TORQUE管理和执行。

4.Pack the stateless root image into a compressed file that the net-booted nodes fetch using the xCAT packimage tool.使用xCATpackimage工具将这个无状态的根映像打包成一个压缩文件供这些联网引导的节点获取。

5.Before instalpng xCAT, configure the management node so xCAT is installed correctly and fetches the correct information about the cluster.在安装xCAT之前,先配置管理节点,以便xCAT能被正确安装并能获得有关此集群的正确信息。

6.xCAT stores the cluster configuration in a database (the default database type is SQLite).xCAT在一个数据库内存储了集群配置(默认的数据库类型是SQLite)。

7.As part of the installation process, the tables in the xCAT database are created and initiapzed.作为安装过程的一部分,xCAT数据库表也会被创建和初始化。

8.xCAT allows imaging, kickstart, autoyast, iscsi, and stateless for nearly every enterprise Linux distribution available.xCAT可以针对几乎所有企业Linux发行版实现映像生成、kickstart、autoyast、iscsi和无状态。

9.This section shows the configuration actions you perform on the management node before instalpng xCAT.本节给出了在安装xCAT之前,在管理节点上应该执行的配置操作。

10.Because xCAT is a database-driven package, you configure its actions by setting the tables in the xCAT database.由于xCAT是一个数据库驱动的包,所以可以通过设置xCAT数据库内的表来配置其动作。