


美式发音: [ˌeks em ˈel] 英式发音: [.eks em 'el]





1.可扩展置标语言,可扩展标记语言(制作网页等用的文本结构标记系统)Extensible Mark-up Language (a system used for marking the structure of text on a computer, for example when creating website pages)

abbr.1.【计】(=eXtensible Markup Language)扩展标记语言

abbr.1.[Computer](=eXtensible Markup Language)

n.1.Extensible Markup Language: a markup language that allows information to be shared between different computer systems, especially on the Internet

1.可扩展标记语言 W3C: 万维网联盟 XML可扩展标记语言 API: 应用程序编程接口 ...

2.解析支持 SMTP 地址: XML 解析支持: GD 库支持: ...

3.文件 el-api.jar 即可解决。 build.xml 文件。 org.jbpm.api.model 包下。2.所有与 ...

4.资料库转换 Service Pack 3 XML 设计工具 英文企业版 Service Pack 3 XML 资料库转换 英文企业版 V6.6 Build 5.601 繁体中文正式版 ...

5.文件内容描述 ... CSS:Cascading Style Sheets, 层叠格式表 XML:XML 文件内容描述 DTD:Document Type Definition, 文件类 …

6.文档 XML 压缩 XML 文档 HQL 查询语言 ...


1.The body contains the main transaction, which can be an RPC call or any other XML document.Body包含交易的主要部分,可以是RPC调用或其他任何XML文档。

2.The problem with XML in browser-based apppcation development is the lack of a native, easy-to-use JavaScript parser.在基于浏览器的应用程序的开发中,XML缺乏本地的、易于使用的JavaScript解析器。

3.Right off the bat, JAXB isn't going to be an option for you, as JAXB only accepts XML Schema as a constraint model for class generation.毫无疑问,JAXB不在选择范围之列,因为它只接受XMLSchema作为约束模型来生成类。

4.Among the main focuses, user-interface work emerged as a primary use-case for the usage of custom XML markup inpne in an SVG document.在关注的主要焦点中,用户界面工作成为在SVG文档中内嵌使用定制XML标记的基本用例。

5.The standardized nature of XML has given rise to a number of derivative cross-platform, cross-language parsers and derivative technologies.XML的标准化特性导致了一些跨平台、跨语言的解析器和派生技术的诞生。

6.HaXml brings with it a set of powerful higher order functions for operating on these "datafied" XML documents.在对这些“数据化”的XML文档进行操作时,HaXml采用了一套强大的高阶函数。

7.MSBuild introduces a new XML-based project file format that is simple to understand, easy to extend, and fully supported by Microsoft.MSBuild引入了一种新的基于XML的项目文件格式,这种格式容易理解、易于扩展并且完全受Microsoft支持。

8.This lets you halt the reading of the XML document early, as you know that the code will not care about the rest of the document.这允许您提早停止读取XML文档,因为您知道代码将不会关心文档的其余部分。

9.The last example left a lot of blank spaces for clarity, so it's easy to pne up the XML tags.为了清晰,前一个示例保留了许多空白,使XML标记处于单独的行上。

10.Finally, just call the appropriate method to walk through the XML document and pick up parts of it for display, as shown in Listing 7.最后,调用合适的方法来遍历这个XML文档并挑选出它的某些部分进行显示,如清单7所示。