




1.平板电脑 摩托罗拉ME860 (Atrix) 摩托罗拉平板电脑 (Xoom) 摩托罗拉XT912(Motorola DROID RAZR)

2.摩托罗拉 戴尔 DELL 摩托罗拉 xoom 亚马逊 Pindle fire ...

3.版蜘蛛侠 ... Let's golf 高尔夫3(一) XOOM 版蜘蛛侠(二) 疯狂漂移( Drift Mania Cha…

4.旅充 施华蔻 OSIS 旅充 xoom 旅狐 Travel Fox ...

5.成人五月天 性 www 成人五月天 xoom 炮房五月天 journal ...


1.The Motorola Xoom was the only non-Apple tablet in the top five, with a fourth-place ranking.摩托罗拉的Xoom是前五中唯一一款非苹果产品,与ipad一代并列第四。

2.By leaving Flash out, the early reviewers are going to get results pke Apple's iPad (or better - the XOOM has a bigger battery).如果去掉了Flash,那么最早一批的评测者们将会得到和苹果(Apple)iPad差不多的成绩(可能还会更好,因为XOOM的电池容量更大)。

3.Does Motorola Mobipty need to create a "Light" SKU for the XOOM to compete better with Apple's iPad 2? Talk Back and Let Me Know.摩托罗拉移动公司需要提供“轻量级”的XOOM来更好地与iPad2竞争吗?反驳吧,并让我知道。

4.Some apps for phones, pke the popular game Angry Birds, filled the screen beautifully and worked fine.手机的某些应用程式,比如热门游戏“愤怒的小鸟”在Xoom萤幕上的显示效果很好,而且播放流畅。

5.There aren't any physical buttons except for an on-off switch at the rear and volume controls on an edge.除了机身背面的开关键和侧面的音量控制键以外,Xoom没有任何的实体按键。

6.Here's a fun tidbit for you: I really pke the Motorola Xoom.这是一则有趣的小报道:我真的很喜欢摩托罗拉Xoom。

7.However, it has a slot for a memory card that Motorola says will work after a software upgrade to add more memory.但是Xoom设置有存储卡插槽,摩托罗拉表示,在软件升级后,存储卡插槽将可以增加存储容量。

8.There is also a removable back and a SIM card slot that would be used only if you chose to upgrade to 4G in the second quarter of this year.Xoom还配置有可拆卸的后盖板和SIM卡插槽,这两者只有你在今年第二季度选择升级到4G技术后才能用到。

9.Though it works fine in portrait, or vertical, mode, the Xoom is mainly designed as a landscape, or horizontal, device.尽管Xoom的纵向视图模式还不错,但它主要被设计为一款横向操作的设备。

10.Like the iPad, the Xoom has a roomy 10-inch screen, and it's about the same thickness and weight as the iPad, albeit narrower and longer.像iPad一样,Xoom拥有宽大的10英寸显示幕,而且和iPad的厚度和重量都非常接近,不过它要更窄、更长一些。