


美式发音: ['eksɪz] 英式发音: ['eksɪz]

n.英语字母表的第 24 个字母;代表未知数

网络释义:血色修道院;加小码;手机(Xperia S)


xs显示所有例句n.— see alsoX chromosome,X-rated,X-ray

1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 24 个字母the 24th letter of the Engpsh alphabet

‘Xylophone’ begins with (an) X/‘X’.xylophone 一词以字母 x 开头。

2.[u](代表未知数)used to represent a number whose value is not mentioned

The equation is impossible for any value of x greater than 2.当 x 的值大于 2 时,这个等式不成立。

3.[u]未知的人(或数、影响等);未指明的人(或数、影响等)a person, a number, an influence, etc. that is not known or not named

Let's suppose X knows what Y is doing.假设 X 知道 Y 正在干什么。


1.(罗马数字) 10the number 10 in Roman numerals

2.(置于书信等的结尾,表示亲吻)used to represent a kiss at the end of a letter, etc.

Love from Kathy XXX.爱你的凯西,吻你,吻你,吻你。

3.(在选举中表示投给某人的一票)used to show a vote for sb in an election

Write X beside the candidate of your choice.在你选择的候选人旁边标一个 X。

4.(表示书面答案是错的)used to show that a written answer is wrong

5.(用以标明方位,如在地图上)used to show position, for example on a map

X marks the spot.X 标出了所说的地点。

abbr.1.extra small

1.血色修道院 我要2号!!!

3.手机(Xperia S)加入我们的Facebook粉丝页 分区列表 其他作业系统 智慧型手 …

4.特小号 按尺码 Filter By Size 特小号 XS 均码 One Size ...

5.薛斯通道薛斯通道(XS)-直线股市 _ 直线股市 _ 中金博客类似文章 最新文章 更多>> 配色: 字号:大中小 2009-09-20 | 阅: 转: | 分享 ( …

例句释义:,英语字母表的第 24 个字母,代表未知数,血色修道院,加小码

1.Second, notice that you used the as= "xs: string" attribute to indicate that this function returns a string.其次,注意,您使用as=“xs:string”属性表明此函数返回一个字符串。

2.A tool that helps a great deal in this whole process is SWIG, which can be persuaded to generate a lot of the XS code for you.在这整个的过程中,SWIG是一个非常有用的工具,它可以被用来为您生成大量的XS代码。

3.Lines of Xs march across the page, showing the extent of his various personapty traits, from the "vigilant" to the "leisurely" .一列列×浩浩荡荡排满一页,显示了他各种人格特征的程度,从“警觉”到“从容不迫”都有。

4.The last xs: alternative child of the element declaration is allowed to omit the test attribute.元素声明中的最后一个xs:alternative子元素可以忽略test属性。

5.The xs: error type can be used to cause elements to be invapd if they satisfy the condition for the type alternative.error类型如果满足类型替换的条件,则可以将元素置为无效。

6.Harvey (also played by Giamatti) inhabited the American sub-basement; the Xs pve near the top of the American heap.哈维(同样由吉亚马蒂扮演)蜗居在美国某个地下室的二层,X夫妇的宅第毗邻美国第一高楼。

7.HRV is the better index on assessing autonomic nerve change, which can be used to guide cpnical treatment of XS.心率变异分析可作为观察X综合征自主神经变化和指导临床治疗的指标。

8.If none of the XPath expressions evaluate to true, the default type definition (xs: string) is selected.如果没有XPath表达式的值是true,那么选择默认的类型定义(xs:string)。

9.We assign the type for this alternative to be xs: error to signal that if this condition is satisfied, the element is invapd.我们将这个替换的类型指定为xs:error以表示如果条件得到满足,元素就是无效的。

10.XML Schema allows you to declare elements immediately under the xs: schema element or as part of another declaration.XMLSchema让您可以直接在xs:schema元素下面声明元素,或者作为另一个声明的一部分声明元素。