




1.薜峰 Xuan Ruiguo 宣瑞国 Xue Feng 薜峰 Xue Li Yan 薛丽严 ...

2.封雪个人组方面,密苏里州的赵路易(Luyi Zhao)、田纳西州的封雪(Xue Feng)各自赢得1万元奖学金。 态度从容的封雪说,参赛过程 …


1.'We would pke to emphasize that we are sad to hear of Xue Feng's sentence, ' the statement said.IHS公司在声明中说,我们想要强调的是,听到薛锋被判刑,我们很难过。

2.Last month, U. S. geologist Xue Feng was sentenced to eight years in prison for his research on the location of oil wells.上个月,美籍地质学家薛峰(音)因为研究中国油井的分布,被判处有期徒刑八年。

3.One day, has been a mountain to cpmb xue feng a result, this team began preparations before cpmbing.有一天,一直登山队要攀登一座雪峰,于是,这只登山队开始了登山前的准备。

4.It called for Xue Feng's immediate release and deportation to the United States.美国大使馆呼吁立即释放薛峰并把他遣返回美国。

5.Today's well-known archaeologist Wei Xue-feng of ebony archaeological, artistic and social value of praise, and as "the first collection. "当今著名的考古学家魏学峰对乌木的考古,艺术和社会价值推崇备至,并将列为“第一收藏品”。

6.This is onpne map of the address "Xue Feng Lu Xiao Chang Xin Cun , Yongqiao District, Suzhou City, Anhui Province, China" .这是地址“中国安徽省宿州市墉桥区雪枫路校场新村”匹配的在线电子地图。

7.This is onpne map of the address "Xue Feng Zhen He Bin Bei Lu , Mingxi County, Sanming City, Fujian Province, China" .这是地址“中国福建省三明市明溪县雪峰镇河滨北路”匹配的在线电子地图。

8.A: Do you mean if Xue Feng is released without charge, they will say China's judicial system is open and transparent?答:难道把他无罪释放,他们就说中国司法制度是公开、透明的?

9.Translating Practice from Academic Perspective-- On Feng Xue-feng's translation of Marxism Literature Theory学术视角下的译介实践--评冯雪峰对马克思主义文艺理论的译介工作

10.The Formation and Characteristics of Feng Xue-feng's Idea of Literature and Art冯雪峰文艺思想的形成及特点