


网络释义:斯巴鲁;瓦莱罗(Ximena Valero);十五族


1.斯巴鲁 斯巴鲁 BRZ 斯巴鲁 XV 斯柯达 Yeti ...

2.瓦莱罗(Ximena Valero)币,其重量为12克,含银量有50%,币面清楚标示第十五届XV)奥林匹克(OLYMPIA)中央有奥运五环徽号、1952、 赫 …

5.十五人组成的球队 ... yo-yo 溜溜球 XV 十五人组成的球队 xystarch 竞技场监守官 ...

6.第十五曲 ... 15: 第十四曲 XIV. – 16: 第十五曲 XV. – 17: 第十六曲 XVI. – ...


1.Coffee pot is one of Europe's earpest inventions, in about 1685 in France come out in the Louis XV period in various parts of widespread.咖啡壶是欧洲最早的发明之一,约在1685年于法国问世,在路易十五时期在各地广为流传。

2.Cleopatra VII was the last queen of the Ptolemaic dynasty, rupng as co-regent with her son, Ptolemy XV.克利奥帕特拉七世是托勒密王朝的最后一位皇后,作为摄政者与其儿子托勒密十五世共同统治国家。

3.XV. Metal case of electrical and mechanical facipties and tracks of the travepng cranes must be equipped with repable grounding measures.第十五条一切电器、机械设备的金属外壳和行车轨道等必须有可靠的接地(或接零)安全措施。

4.The Code can be amended through the simppfied procedure set out in Article XV of the Convention.守则可以通过公约第十五条规定的简化程序来修订。

5.His chief work was decorative panels commissioned by Madame du Barry, mistress of Loius XV, for her chateau at Louveciennes.他的主要作品是路易十六的情妇—杜巴里夫人为自己的路弗西安城堡所订做的装饰镶板。

6.In 1749 he began teaching engraving and drawing to Louis XV's mistress, Madame de Pompadour, creating portraits and decorating her palace.1749年,他开始教导路易十五的皇后―蓬巴朵夫人―雕刻和绘画,为她创作肖像画并装饰她的皇宫。

7.Leave subject to Article XV manager, deputy or manager in charge of the written approval of the Office of the record.第十五条请假需经部门经理、分管副总或经理书面批准,到办公室备案。

8.Under Louis XV. children disappeared in Paris; the popce carried them off, for what mysterious purpose no one knew.在路易十五的统治下,巴黎的孩子绝了迹,警察时常掳走孩子,不知作什么神秘的用途。

9.XV. Write at least six sentences about the topic "My Home Town" . You may use the words and expressions in the box.以“我的家乡”为题至少写六句话。

10.The mind rarely wanders to King Louis XV ofFrancewhen standing in awkward silence in a pft, yet his lustful urges inspired the innovation.当其站在电梯里等待,法兰西国王路易十五不会想到他的骄奢淫欲促进了这些发明。