




1.延长1 ... 298 jv_y05 延长0.5 299 jv_y1 延长1 300 jv_y2 延长2 ...

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1.But if the Japanese currency started moving in the other direction, it would cost the group Y6bn a year for each Y1 appreciation, he said.不过他表示,如果日元开始走强,兑美元汇率每升值1日元,索尼每年将损失60亿日元。

2.Meanwhile, the Bank of Japan has announced it will spend up to Y1, 000bn buying shares from banks.与此同时,日本央行(BoJ)宣布将斥资高达1万亿日元从银行购买股票。

3.Y1 may inhibit growth of specific sarcomas , as previously shown in an in vivo mouse model of human ESFT.正如以前体内人ESFT鼠模型的研究结果一样,Y1可抑制一些肉瘤的生长。

4.The bank maintained its revenue forecast at Y1, 850bn ($19bn) but said group net profits would be Y180bn rather than the forecast Y480bn.SMFG维持营收预期为1.85万亿日元(合190亿美元),但将净利润预期从4800亿日元下调至1800亿日元。

5.Japan's stimulus plan followed the passing of a Y1, 800bn supplementary budget earper this month to fund the first stimulus package.本月早些时候,日本通过了1.8万亿日元的额外预算,为第一份经济刺激方案提供融资。

6.Japan announced a set of stimulus steps in August with about Y1. 8 trilpon in new spending to tackle high energy and material costs.今年8月,日本宣布了一套经济刺激方案,新增约1.8万亿日圆开支,以应对能源及原材料价格高涨。

7.The trade surplus expanded 63 per cent from a year earper to Y1, 636bn, according to the Finance Ministry.日本财务省公布的数据显示,日本9月份贸易顺差较去年同期增长63%,至1.636万亿日元。

8.I, Y1 love ruthless relentless love hit play and ruthless ruthless love from love since technetium female child. .涐,y1个狠爱狠爱打扮和狠自恋狠自恋锝女孩。。

9.In situ hybridization for Y1 mRNA confirmed the autoradiography results.原位杂交证实了放射自显影结果。

10.The new offer follows pressure from large North American investment funds, which were unhappy with the Y1, 350-a-share initial bid.新报价提出前,持有日兴证券大量股权的几家北美大型投资基金向花旗集团施加了压力,它们对于每股1350日元的最初报价表示不满。