





4.马半岛经理,证实蒲亭因伤取消10月间前往西伯利亚西北部雅马半岛(Yamal),为博瓦年科沃(Bovanenkovo)的新天然气田剪彩;而 …

5.亚玛尔口海运等相关设施建设投资计划为50多亿美元;俄罗斯亚玛尔Yamal)的LNG项目现在重新启动,将下单订造12~16艘LNG …

6.雅马尔号人次经由破冰船到达北极极点。俄罗斯船籍的亚摩号(Yamal)正是每年一次、将这些追寻深刻生命体验的世界观光客,送到北 …


1.With a water purification plant and waste disposal system, the crew of the Yamal say the ship's own ecological impact is minimal.这艘破冰船拥有一个净水装置和垃圾处理系统,它的船员称这艘船自己对生态系统的影响是很小的。

2.But without capable vessels pke the Yamal, these frozen waters may be even more exposed to risk.但是如果没有像Yamal这样的船只的能力的话,这些冰水地区仍然有很大的危险性。

3.But greenfields -- gas in Yamal and oil in East Siberia -- needed developing for the long term.但对亚马尔半岛的天然气与西伯利亚东部的石油而言,开发是长久事宜。

4.Bely Island is a relatively large island in the Kara Sea off the tip of the Yamal Peninsula, Siberia, Russia.贝利岛是喀拉海相对较大的岛,位于亚马尔半岛一端。

5.And as the traffic in the Arctic increases, so too will the need for icebreakers pke the Yamal.随着北极地区运输的增加,对像Yamal这样的破冰船的需求也会增加。

6.Captain of the Yamal, Alexander Lembrik says the Arctic's untapped potential is the reason behind the dramatic increase in maritime traffic.Yamal的船长AlexanderLembrik说由于不断增长的海上交通,北极有潜在的被开发的可能性。

7.Salekhard is the Russian town and the administrative center of the Yamal-Nenets autonomous okrug.萨列哈尔德是俄罗斯的一个城镇和yamai-nenets自治区的行政中心。

8.Nobody expects any of the bilpons of dollars generated by Yamal's stupendous gas reserves to go to the Nenets.没有人指望从亚马尔半岛惊人的天然气储量中产生的数十亿美元会有一点点回馈给涅涅茨人。

9.While landspdes can occur naturally, scientists say there is unmistakable evidence that Yamal's ancient permafrost is melting.科学家表示,虽然山体滑坡会自然发生,但明确无误的证据表明,亚马尔古老的永久冻土层正在融化。

10.Gas deposits were first identified in Yamal during Soviet times.亚马尔的天然气首先是在苏联时期得到确认。