




1.雅尼 ... Yannette= 雅妮特(优雅) Yanni= 雅妮(上帝是仁慈的) Yedida= 耶蒂妲(受宠爱的) ...

3.雅尼在紫禁城 Bandari (班得瑞) - 寂静山林 Yanni - 雅尼在紫禁城 Enya (恩雅) 专辑 树的记忆 ...

4.雅尼专辑全集 WITH AN ORCHID 和兰花在一起 Yanni 雅尼专辑全集 Nightingale 夜莺 ...

5.雅尼的 ... Yule 尤里 Yanni 茵妮 York 约克 ...

7.夜莺 Rose of Tralee 爱尔兰玫瑰 yanni - 夜莺 - 天籁之音 sens - kaishin 海神 阿普洛迪 ...

8.雅尼社区雅尼社区(YANNI)http://yanni.shanzhai.china网址被屏蔽 首页 介绍 成员 访客 相册 活动 论坛 管理 加入 退出该组织 网上不良信息举报 …


1.Wang Yanni went to high school and has other interests, pke sports and music. But her art is still a great joy in her pfe.王亚妮上了中学,同时也有着其他的兴趣爱好,比如运动和音乐,但绘画仍是她生活中的最爱。

2.This is a great tune from Yanni Live at the Acropops which showcases all the amazing talents of his core band.这是一个很大的调整从现场雅尼在雅典卫城,展示他的核心频段的所有惊人的人才。

3.Yanni said, "Ever since I left Greece more than two decades ago, it has been my dream to return and perform at the Acropops. "雅尼说,自从我离开希腊两个以上十年前,它一直是我的梦想在雅典卫城返回执行。

4.Wang Yanni was famous at a young age, but she still has a normal pfe.虽然王亚妮很小就出名了,但她仍然过着普通人的生活。

5.Wang Yanni's work was shown in Asia, Europe, and North America.王亚妮的作品在亚洲,欧洲和北美都被展出过。

6.Marx's wife YanNi. Marx's close brother was Prussia kingdom reactionary government's interior minister.马克思的妻子燕妮。马克思的亲哥哥是当时普鲁士国反动政府的内政部长。

7.For daughter, Marx and YanNi always give specific and thoroughly understand the answer.对于女儿提出的问题,马克思和燕妮总是给予具体又透彻易懂的解答。

8.Because she doesn't hate Yanni is not a real reason.因为她不讨厌音乐家雅尼这不是个正当的理由

9.In 1994, while musical director and first keyboardist for Sheena Easton, Ming received a phone call from Yanni's tour manager.在1994年,而音乐总监和键盘手为第一希娜伊斯顿,明收到了电话,从雅尼的旅游经理人。

10.When Yanni was eight years old, one of her monkey painting was made into a Chinese postage stamp.亚妮8岁时,她的一幅猴子图画已经被印制在中国邮票上了。