




1.靖国神社的,只要找个类似的读音便成。日文或许最难分得清,甚麽Tanakamasayara 之类,很难记,因此何某到现在也记不到靖国神

3.安藏 ... Yasukui <日> 保国(姓) Yasukuni <日> 安藏(名) Yasukura <日> "保仓 安仓 安藏(姓)" ...


1.I told him that, if he visited Yasukuni, all he would see is a piece of paper with a list of the war dead.我告诉他,如果他参拜了靖国神社,他能看见的只是一页纸的阵亡名单。

2.Mr Koizumi's decisions to visit Yasukuni seem to have been emotional.小泉似乎是从感情上考虑做出了参拜靖国神社的决定。

3.Somehow, the war criminals enshrined at Yasukuni will have to be removed, even though the shrine has private status.无论怎样,供奉在靖国神社的战犯必须挪走,即便神社是私人拥有的。

4.Mr Abe would back away from Mr Koizumi's pledge to visit Yasukuni without appearing to kowtow to China, he said.他表示,安倍将在不显得是屈从于中国压力的情况下,放弃小泉参拜靖国神社的承诺。

5.But if Mr Abe at least stays away from the Yasukuni shrine, Mr Hu will feel that his ostracism of Mr Koizumi has paid off.但是只要安倍至少远离靖国神社,这样胡才会觉得他对小泉的排斥取得了效果。

6.Mr Abe has not visited Yasukuni, where Japan's war dead and a handful of convicted war criminals are enshrined.靖国神社位于日本东京,供奉着日本的战争死难者和一些甲级战犯。安倍晋三就任首相以来还没有参拜过靖国神社。

7.It is in recent years, major Japanese politicians to the Yasukuni Shrine issue of a rare critical conversation.这是近年来,日本重要政治家就靖国神社问题发表的一次罕见的批判性谈话。

8.Mr Aso has also floated what he says are long-term solutions to the diplomatic controversy over the Yasukuni shrine.麻生太郎还推出了靖国神社(YasukuniShrine)外交争端的所谓长期解决方案。

9.The biggest cause of the chilling in relations between the two countries is Mr Koizumi's annual visits to Tokyo's Yasukuni shrine.导致中日关系降温的最大因素,是小泉每年都要参拜靖国神社。

10.Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's annual visits to a Tokyo war shrine (Yasukuni) routinely draw fierce protests from China.日本首相小泉纯一郎对东京靖国神社的多次参拜引起中国例行的强烈抗议。
