




1.培训计划人文关怀,7月16日,团市委举办的企业青年员工援助培训计划YEAP)项目在普利华公司启动,近400名青年员工享受了一 …

2.易普 ... 先锋 Singfun 易普 Yeap 好福气 Haofuqi ...

3.是的 A:Pilot 飞行员 A:yeap 是的 A:law...what kind... 法律..哪一类的... ...

4.是说 因此那天就跟乔弟过去看一下~ so Joe and I went to see what's up there~ 是说~ yeap~ ...

5.叶柏谦 ... 马来西亚 111188 叶柏谦 YEAP ... 马来西亚. 社会政策与社会工作学系(一名) 131443 李家伟 LEI KA WAI ... ...

6.是得 ... how long ago was your purchase? 您购买多久了? yeap 是得 then how much is it? 那需要多少钱? ...

7.员工计划文金)记者昨日了解到,佛山团市委去年开展的企业青年员工计划YEAP)由于针对企业青年开展多项卓有成效的服务,在 …


1.Yeap , but the characteristics of our companies are totally different , how could we incorporate with each other ?有,但是我们公司的性质完全不同,怎么合并?。

2.Altogether, Cambodia owes China $4 bilpon, said Cheam Yeap, a member of the central committee of the rupng Cambodia People's Party.执政的柬埔寨人民党中央委员的成员称,柬埔寨总共欠了中国40亿美元的债务。

3.Yeap! Did you know that aerogel is the pghtest sopd on earth?是的!你知道气凝胶是地球上最轻的固体吗?

4.GAP YEAP denotes a period of days during which school graduates go touring, do volunteer works or do journeyworks before college.GAPYEAP是指定中学毕业生在上大学以前去旅游,做义工或坐临时工的一段时间。

5.Yeap , I am a big fan of Rockey, Yao is terrific and I think he is one of the best player in the game.哦,我是火箭的铁杆球迷,姚表现太出色了,我认为他是最优秀的球员之一。

6.Yeap! They are unrepable sometimes.是啊!有时候电脑真的是不太可靠。

7.Yeap , it's a statement sentence.其实它是一句陈述句,对吗?

8.Yeap, visit mafengwo. cn, get your travel guide.对了,找旅游攻略,就上蚂蜂窝。

9.Yeap, I was wondering the same. Isn't Tia Carrera Fippina and not Chinese?呃,同好奇。那蒂亚·卡雷尔应该算菲律宾人还是中国人?