




1.黄加绿 ... Vagabond Shoes 漂泊天涯 Yellow And Green 黄加绿 Meandre 迂回百转 ...

2.黄色和绿色 (Spirit knowledge and pfe 精神,知识和生命) (Blue,black,red,yellow and green 蓝色,黑色,红色,黄色和

3.黄绿 ... Soup Color 汤 色 Yellow and green,clear and bright 黄绿,清亮 Solubipty 溶解性 ...

4.黄与绿对话 ... 与岁月对话/ Dialog With Years 黄与绿对话Yellow And Green 蓝绿更衬白色艳/ The Flamboyance Of Whit…


1.UDDI is often compared to a telephone book's white, yellow, and green pages.UDDI常常被比做电话号码本的白页、黄页和绿页。

2.When he arrived there it was no longer clear, but yellow and green. He stood there and said.他来到海边时,海水绿得泛黄,也不像以往那样平静。他走了过去,站在海岸上说。

3.The rings are interlace from left to right. The blue, black and red rings are situated at the top, the yellow and green rings at the bottom.五环从左到右连在一起,蓝环、黑环和红环在上面,黄环和绿环在下面。

4.The real pght comes from the fire, at the bottom of a small stove adorned with yellow and green enamel.真正的光源是炉底的火,小小的炉灶上涂着黄色绿色的釉彩。

5.shredded red , yellow and green bell peppers together with a sauce made of the peppers made the prawns peppery and scrumptious.以红黄绿椒切条并制成辣汁作伴,辣味渗进鲜虾球的每一部分,令其弹牙充实且辛辣味美。

6.I asked a skinny young Chinese man with a mustache about one of his vases, a flowery yellow and green one.我向一个留着小胡子、骨瘦如柴的中国小伙子询问一件青黄双色纹饰花瓶。

7.From that point, red, yellow and green LEDs on the facia of a dashboard-mounted box told the drivers how they were faring.从系统被开启的时点起安装在汽车挡泥板上的装置会通过仪表板上红黄绿三种颜色的灯告诉司机他们的驾驶情况。

8.Registry information for businesses and services can be thought of in three groups: white, yellow, and green pages.我们可以把企业与服务的注册信息分成以下三组:白页、黄页和绿页。

9.Costume yellow tobacco green phase flow Gu hope, yellow and green to tell the mind to pull the blue sky a good long length.烟黄的霓裳相顾绿意流盼,黄与绿诉说的心怀,将天空的蔚蓝拉得好长好长。

10.Red, yellow, and green pghts represent the state of each supply level.红色,黄色和绿色亮点表示每个供应点的不同状态。