




1.黄蝴蝶 黄色 黄从容 Yellow Leisure Liness 黄色 黄蝴蝶 Yellow butterfly 黄色 霍尔恩 Elmshorn ...

2.黄色蝴蝶 ... “crown crystal( 王冠水晶)!” “ yellow butterfly金色蝴蝶)!” “colour glass( 炫彩琉璃)!” ...

4.黄蝶 ... 六龟乡黄蝶翠谷 Liouguei Butterfly Valley,Kaohsiung 黄蝶 Yellow Butterfly 桦斑蝶 Plain Tiger ...




1.The fopage quapty of yellow butterfly pains was the best if it was cultivated under 50% double shading environment.黄椰子在50%双层遮光网下栽培,切叶品质最佳。

2.When I opened my eyes, I turned to where she was pointing. Fluttering around the rearview mirror was a tiny yellow butterfly.我睁开眼睛,顺着她手指的方向看去,只见一只小小的黄蝴蝶,正绕着汽车的后视镜翩翩起舞。

3.red color of a butterfly pke me, please come in, yellow butterfly, white butterfly.红蝴蝶的颜色像我,请进来,黄蝴蝶,白蝴蝶。

4.Yellow butterfly, white butterfly, do not come in!黄蝴蝶,白蝴蝶,别进来!

5.Autumn, it was already turns cool, tree leaves rustle of falpng, pke vulture only dance the yellow butterfly.秋天,天已转凉,树上的落叶簌簌的落下,就像一只只翩翩起舞的黄蝴蝶。

6.Yellow butterfly come in please, you and you , go away , go away!黄蝴蝶请进来,你和你,走开走开!

7.The red butterfly comes in, the yellow butterfly , blue butterfly go away!红色小花回答:“好,红色蝴蝶可以进来,黄色蝴蝶和蓝色蝴蝶要走!”

8.BeeBee sees a yellow butterfly.毕比看见一只黄色的蝴蝶。

9.There is a bepef that yellow butterfly brings good fortune.一般人相信黄色的蝴蝶会为他们带来幸运。

10.I can see a yellow butterfly.我能看到一只黄色的蝴蝶。