





2.宠 不要相信爱迪→_→那只是个浮云→_→ XYOOOOO0 4-10 YIFAN 想长期活跃此吧,多多关照~~ xie…

3.无嘴猫 hoshinautau 龙龙❤ yifan 无嘴猫 odina 欧蒂娜 帕嘉尔 ...

4.杨光 李川 pchuan 杨光 yifan 李珏忻 juexin ...


1."Tide of cross-strait width, the wind is Yifan hanging" , the company will move to set the goal of steady development!“潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬”,公司将朝着即定的目标稳步发展!

2.As you know after you've been checkmated by Hou Yifan.当你被侯逸凡将死之后,你就会明白了。

3.To hear the coach tell his own missed what, Hou Yifan although still smipng, but an instant red eyes but up.在听到教练告诉自己错过了什么之后,侯逸凡虽然还是面带微笑,不过眼眶却瞬间红了起来。

4.Grandmaster also indicated that this chess Hou Yifan opening not well, the bureau defense whole is somewhat negative.特级大师也表示,这盘棋侯逸凡开局走得不好,中局防守整体有些消极。

5.Hou Yifan cloacae was young and capsized, by the British ska players Hu deficit will be killed, out of regret.而小将侯逸凡则阴沟翻船,被英国棋手胡斯卡翻盘将杀,遗憾出局。

6.Hou Yifan were capsize young cloacae , the British MR players ska deficit will be killed, out of regret.小将侯逸凡则阴沟翻船,被英国棋手胡斯卡翻盘将杀,遗憾出局。

7.I remember brother Ping Yifan had such a blade! Brother helped popsh so exaggerated grain!记得以前平一凡兄有这样的一条子!大哥帮磨出巨夸张的刀纹!

8.Yifan throws a necklace that was given to her by Yiguan into a lake.一帆一气之下将一官送给她的项链丢进小溪里。

9.Yiguan is touched when he sees Michael looking for the necklace late at night and finally agrees to Michael seeing Yifan.一官见麦可在深夜里到溪里帮一帆找项链,被麦可打动,终于答应让他和一帆交往。

10.Chinese teenager Hou Yifan in the semi-finals of the obvious advantages lost to Bulgaria 's Stefan Nova, missed the final.中国小将侯逸凡在半决赛中优势明显的情况下输给了保加利亚的斯坦芬诺娃,无缘决赛。