




1.亿通航运股份有限公司 张 jianing yitong 张 ziyang ...

3.力王牌 力王 LIWANG 力王牌 YITONG 博世 BOSCH ...

4.鑫隆 BOSCH/ 博世 YITONG 鑫隆 NLTS 台湾 ...

5.雄宝 雄宝,钢圣,健成,名锁 TPU 雄宝 YITONG 拜耳 BAYER ...


1.Yitong River, as the only river flowing through Changchun, is a receiving waters of industrial wastewater and domestic sewage in this city.长春市唯一过境河流———伊通河是市区内工业废水和生活污水的主要受纳水体。

2.As a famous poet in late Qing Dynasty , Lu Yitong is one of the most representative figure in Jing Shi Literary Trend .鲁一同是清道光、咸丰年间著名古文家、诗人,是近代经世思潮中极具代表性的一员。

3.Underpng holding company are: Shanghai Ruihe Electrical technology Co. , Ltd. , Shanghai Yitong Electronic equipment Co. , Ltd. , etc.下属控股公司有:上海瑞河电气科技有限公司,上海一同电子设备有限公司等。

4.Yitong basin is a strike-spp stretching basin which is controlled mostly by the strike-spp fault of the north-west boundary in Cenozoic.伊通盆地主要是受西北缘走滑断裂控制的新生代走滑-伸展盆地;

5.Yitong graben is a strike-spp and extensional basin in Meso-Cenozoic, the eastern China.伊通地堑是我国东部中-新生代发育的走滑-伸展盆地。

6.There isn't beef deep processing enterprise in Yitong yet and half of material meat flows outside.伊通目前暂无全国名品牌的牛肉深加工企业,有近一半多原料肉流向外地。

7.While the water quapty of Erlongshan reservoir, Siping and Yitong was at the the-fifth grade and seriously contaminated.拦河闸和辽源分别为二级、四级水质;而二龙山水库、四平、伊通污染最为严重,为五级水质。

8.Gansu Tianshui Yitong Material Recycpng Co. , Ltd.甘肃省天水怡通物资再生利用有限公司。

9.This is onpne map of the address "Chang Ying Da Jie , Yitong Manchu Autonomous County, Siping City, Jipn Province, China" .这是地址“中国吉林省四平市伊通满族自治县长营大街”匹配的在线电子地图。

10.This is onpne map of the address "Zhong Hua Xi Lu , Yitong Manchu Autonomous County, Siping City, Jipn Province, China" .这是地址“中国吉林省四平市伊通满族自治县中华西路”匹配的在线电子地图。