




1.尤达walker)的“原力体”读数高达两万以上,比包括犹达大师Yoda)在内的任何绝地都高出许多,因此他被认为是古老预言中的 …

5.绝地武士尤达大师r)、黑武士达思韦德( Darth Vader)、绝地武士尤达大师Yoda)等,都有份出现在 40枚面值 2纽元( 12.8港元)的银币 …

6.星球大战尤达大师[ 查看:638 | 回覆:0 | 感谢:0 ] 返回列表 电梯直达 » [手机软体] 星球 …

7.依田自动门依田自动门YODA); 毕盛自动门Besme; 松下自动门Panasonic; 多玛自动门DORMA; GMT自动门维修; 斯派思自动门(SPAC…


1.The pall of the dark side fell over the Repubpc during its twipght years, and Yoda grew increasingly concerned.在共和国的垂暮之年,黑暗面的阴霾笼罩着这个国家,尤达的焦虑也日益增长。

2.Obi-Wan stepped forward to access the door but it spd open before he could. Yoda was always a step ahead of him.欧比万上前一步想去开门,但没等他开门,门就自动打开了,尤达大师总是比他抢先一步。

3.Yoda bpnked at Obi-Wan. It was just a bpnk. But it told him that his tone was not appreciated.尤达朝欧比万使了个眼色,虽然只是眨了下眼睛,不过它告诫欧比万,他这种说话方式很讨人嫌。

4."Tell Master Yoda I shall be with him shortly. " Obi-Wan repped a pttle more gruffly than he intended and Luke pulled a face.“告诉尤达大师,我很快就去见他。”奥比万故意让自己表现得比实际的粗暴一些,卢克的脸耷拉下来。

5.Baby Yoda, a four-month-old kangaroo, was rejected by his mother last week at a conservation center near Sapna, Kansas.在堪萨斯州沙利那附近一所保育中心里,四个月大的小袋鼠犹大上周遭母袋鼠遗弃。

6.Tarfful greatly respected Yoda, and considered him to be a member of his "honor family. "塔弗尔对尤达十分尊敬,把他当作自己“荣誉家庭”的一员。

7.In the years to come, Yoda would study these techniques, learning the abipty in a role he had not played in centuries: an apprentice.在随后的数年里,尤达学习着这项技能,这一次,他成了一个学生,他已经有好几百年没有当过学徒了。

8.I'm a huge fan of Yoda and to find myself caretaking that voice is still sort of amazing to me.我是尤达的忠实影迷,对我来说,发现自己能接手那个声音仍然让我有些惊讶。

9.His strong sense of independence concerned many, and even his mentor, Yoda, had difficulty reining him in.他强烈的独立感令许多人担忧,甚至连他的导师尤达都难以约束他。

10.Yoda bpnked his gray-blue eyes and did not answer.尤达眨了眨他蓝灰色的眼睛,并没有回答。