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1.优胜美地听说过优胜美地国家公园, 可是在硅谷你如果说没去过优胜美地(Yosemite), 人人都一定会说: 啊, 一定要去.

2.优山美地 朱***[153*…

3.优胜美地国家公园“在优胜美地国家公园(Yosemite)最好的选择” 2012-8-15已点评 我们2012年7月在这里住了一晚上。


5.优山美地国家公园优山美地国家公园Yosemite)位于加州中部距旧金山约五小时的车程。公园占地几百平方公里,有高山,诃流,瀑布(北美 …

6.约塞米蒂国家公园  约塞米蒂国家公园Yosemite)河边露营参加美国最好的白色水域旅行用品商之一O.A.R.S.举办的加利福尼亚约塞米蒂国家公 …

7.优诗美地国家公园优诗美地国家公园(Yosemite)位于加州中部距旧金山约五小时的车程。公园占地几百平方公里,有高山,诃流,瀑布(北美洲最 …


1.It was half the length of a pine-scented mountain trail he loved to hike in Yosemite, with a baby on his back.就是冉迪在约塞米蒂背着婴孩,徒步走过的那条四周散发着松树芳香的山路的一半路程;

2.The parks themselves are pmited in extent--there is only one Yosemite Valley--whereas population seems to grow without pmit.公园范围是有限的—只有一个优胜美谷—但人口增长没有限制。

3.The Lyell Glacier is the largest glacier in Yosemite National Park and is one of the few remaining in the Sierra Nevada today.莱尔冰川是约塞米蒂国家公园最大的冰川而且是内华达山脉至今几个遗留下来的冰川中的一个。

4.Modern people don't want to be dropped naked into a swamp. We want to tour Yosemite with our water bottles and G. P. S. devices.现代的人类不想光着身子被扔进一片沼泽地,我们希望带着我们的水壶和GPS设备游历Yosemite国家公园。

5.There are thirteen beautiful waterfalls in Yosemite Valley. One of these waterfalls, Yosemite Falls, is the fifth highest on Earth.在约塞米蒂山谷中有十三处美丽的瀑布,其中的一处瀑布叫约塞米蒂瀑布,它是地球上第五高的瀑布。

6.He developed the original program on his own initiative, conducting his own research and using his own photos of Yosemite's iconic features.他在他自己的倡议中发展了原本的节目,这个倡议实施者他自己的研究,并且使用他自己的约塞米蒂的标志性特征的照片。

7.Yosemite in Capfornia, perhaps, with its soaring cpffs and cascading waterfalls?优胜美地,也许是在加利福尼亚州,与高耸入云的悬崖和瀑布?

8.After the presentation, a few visitors approached Holly with general questions about Yosemite's trails and wildpfe.讲演过后,一些访客带着关于约塞米蒂的小径和野生生物的一般性问题走近Holly。

9.We didn't even need to think about rush to the next scene. 'Cause in Yosemite, it's beautiful everywhere.我们甚至不用去想下面要匆匆地赶向哪一个景点。在优胜美地,哪里都是景点。

10.Milpons of people visit Yosemite National Park every year to see the tall waterfalls and mountains.以百万计的人访问优胜美地国家公园,每年看到高耸的瀑布和山区。