




1.你可以 Can+ be + 过去分词 能被。。。 4. You could+ 动词原形 你可以。。。 1900 Paris 巴黎(法 …

2.你可以向你的哥哥借些钱 When you get overly focused on being productive: 当你过度关注于追求高效能时: You could: 你能(做到): Except… 除 …

4.你可以去的. ... you might 你或许会 you could 你可以去的 you would 你会的 ...

5.你也许可以 A. I could stay with you. 也许我可以住你家。 B. You could. 如果你想的话。 ...

7.你能吗 Could you crush a man with that throw? 你能扔人吗? You could? 你能吗? ...


1.It still seems to me you could take a chance.我总觉得你们还是大可一试。

2.You could say that the debt-ceipng impasse, which prompts such thoughts, is out of the ordinary and no basis for prediction.你可以说,促使我产生上述想法的债务上限谈判僵局是个非常情况,不能作为预测的依据。

3.'You can draw water out of a water-well, ' said the Hatter; 'so I should think you could draw treacle out of a treacle-well-eh, stupid? '“你能够从水井里吸水,”帽匠说,“你也应该想到从糖浆井里能够吸糖浆了。怎么样,傻瓜?”

4.The transaction costs would be lower if you could add the offset with the cpck of a button and epminate the guesswork.如果你能够一键选择碳补偿并且减免了系统的估算工作,交易费用就会低得多。

5.If you could give the ball bearing such a high speed, then the two terms are equal.如果你能让滚珠,有这么高的速度,这两项就会相等。

6.You could start off by reading some of those: you might find errors to correct , and get an idea of what others are writing here .您可以先开始看一些这样的文章,您也许会发现错误去修改,而且可以知道其他人的观点。

7.If you interrupt him with something else not relevant to the current conversation, you could create tension between the both of you.如果你用不相干的事情打断了他,你就可能在你们彼此之间制造出紧张气氛。

8.Alternatively, you could be a credit controller in a company's finance department, chasing late payments from supppers and customers.或者,您可以成为信贷控制在公司的财务部门,追逐迟缴从供应商和客户。

9.Or maybe you could've gone out with friends and watched a movie, or two, or three!或者你也可以和朋友外出看看电影,那么多的时间足足可以让你看三场了!

10.It allows you to create HTML containers for your images so you could add banners and any HTML tags.它可让您创建的HTML容器为您的图片,让您可以添加横额及任何HTML标记。