




1.你别 ... Take them out,least to that. 把它们拿走,至少把那个带走。 You no. 你别。 Sees to see to the boss. 知道去看老板。 ...

2.不可能开房对不起 我说粗话了 不过这句话 我必须得说 这不是谁对谁错的事 只要有一方不同意 那么就不可能开房YOU NO)? 那叫强 …


1.If you no longer plan to use an old Account, call your old ISP to cancel your ISP service, otherwise you will continue to be billed for it.如果您不想再使用某个旧帐号,可以请旧ISP取消那项服务;否则您必须继续支付那个帐号的费用。

2.You must not come back, or else how can you leave me one? But there was no you, no matter how much happiness is all in vain.你一定是不回来了,要不你怎么会留下我一个呢?可是没有你,再多的幸福也是枉然。

3.They are always going to be with you no matter how rough pfe gets (in contrast to many humans unfortunately).不管生活多么艰苦,它们都会跟随你左右(与之相比,很多人很不幸地没有做到这一点)。

4.When I buy chicken and you ask me if I'd pke it in a plastic bag, and I tell you no, please do not look at me as if I'm disgusting.当我买了一只鸡准备结账时你问我要不要塑料袋,我说不要。

5.Let this be lesson to all of you, no matter how much a girl wants an honest, good guy sometimes they just cant handle the truth.记住了,不管一个女孩是多么地想要和诚实、善良的男人交往,但是有时候她们就是无法分清真相。

6.'You no longer need marriage to prove that you are an adult, so there's not the rush there used to be for young people, ' he said.“你现在无须再用婚姻来证明自己已经成年了,所以人们就不再像过去那样急匆匆地忙着结婚。”他说。

7.He will always be there for you - no matter how much trouble you might get in.无论你遇到了什么样的麻烦,他会一直和你站在一起。

8.If he loves you, no one can stop him from getting close to you. If he is indifferent, his leaving is a must.如果他爱你,没人能妨碍他靠近;如果他忘情,也无力去阻止他离去。

9.I made it a lot simpler because you no longer have to worry about faxing broken coffee machines.我使它变得更简单,因为你不用担心,怎么去维修坏咖啡机了。

10.Perhaps it's been a while since you coded something and perhaps you no longer consider yourself "technical. "也许您已经很长时间没有编写代码了,或许您认为自己不再“专业”了。