




1.民治调查公司各种态度。调查机构尤个夫YouGov)去年进行的一次调查显示,仅有21%的人认为进行改革是正确的选择,46%的人承认 …

6.格夫市场调研顾问公司 Telegraph 每日电讯报 YouGov 网上平台 Independent 独立报 ...


1.Asked how much they envied Prince Wilpam's fiancee, 86 percent of women polled by YouGov said they did not feel jealous at all.在被问及有多羡慕准王妃时,86%的受访女性称她们一点儿也不羡慕。这项调查由YouGov调查公司开展。

2.But a recent YouGov poll showed strong support for the rate, with even a narrow majority of Conservative voters opposed to its scrapping.但最近的YouGov民调显示,这个税率得到强烈支持,反对废除该税率的保守党选民甚至占据微弱多数。

3.THREE-QUARTERS of Britons want an annual pmit on the number of immigrants allowed to come and stay, according to a YouGov poll in April.根据YouGov民调在四月份公布的数据,四分之三的英国人希望对每年入境并得到居住许可的移民设置个门槛。

4.According to a recent study by YouGov SixthSense, a market-research firm, it is the fastest-growing sector in the British dairy industry.根据市场调研公司YouGovSixthSense最近的一项调查,酸奶业已成为英国乳制品产业增长最快的一部分。

5.Britons in their 20s and 30s no longer have the time to see friends face-to-face, a YouGov survey has found.YouGov的一项调查发现,现在二、三十岁的英国人已经没有时间与朋友见面了。

6.Nick Pearce, director of the IPPR, said a YouGov poll revealed that two-thirds of people bepeve the pay gap in their workplace is too wide.IPPR的主任尼克·佩尔斯,说过YouGov的一项民意调查表明三分之二的人们认为在他们的工作地方收入差距过大。

7.Meanwhile, independent voters say they are more pkely to vote Repubpcan, by a margin of 10%, according to YouGov.同时,据调查机构你来决定称,无党派人士的选民们认为他们更加愿意投票给共和党,这一比例占到了10%。

8.He learned the poptical ropes in local government and, as a co-founder of YouGov, a polpng firm, he has actually run something.他在当地政府学到了一些从政之道,作为一家调查公司YovGov的合伙创始人,他实际上已经掌控了一些东西。

9.Ourown YouGov poll, however, shows opinion more evenly divided, even though people are nervous about the cost imppcations (see chart).然而,我们的YouGov组织的民调却显示尽管人们对医改措施的巨大花销感到紧张,赞成和反对的意见更倾向于是一半一半。

10.Amazingly, Toyota now ranks below Hummer, according to market-research firm YouGov's BrandIndex daily poll of Americans.令人惊讶的是,根据市场研究公司YouGov对美国人进行调查,在其每日品牌索引中,丰田排名低于悍马。