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1.Aimei is hesitant, Youqing begs her to tell the truth.有情求爱美说出真相,并说生命是她的,她有权力知道!

2.Shouye discovers Youqing has been kidnapped too and decided to let both of them go.守业发现有情也被绑来,将两人送走。

3.Youp laments that Yueguang has never forget Youqing, and that Youqing hates him is due to her love for him.有礼感叹岳光始终没有忘记有情,有情会恨岳光,也是因为太爱他。

4.Aimei bumps into Youqing on her shopping trip.爱美去买爬山运动服,遇到有情。

5.Now, Let's invite young singer of Orient Song and Dance Company, Ms Youqing with the famous song-LiuYang River.下面有请来自东方歌舞团的娄底妹子游晴为大家演唱经典民歌——浏阳河。

6.In phuket, then everywhere to radiates european-style buildings, a hair the idea YouQing.普吉市内,则到处可见到散发著欧式风格的建筑,令人发思古之幽情。

7.Lu Youqing, vice-president of Chinalco, said wage cuts would reduce the group's costs this year by Rmb2bn ($290m).中铝副总经理吕友清表示,减薪将使集团今年的成本减少20亿元人民币。

8."This is a new rumor, " Chinalco Vice President Lu Youqing told Reuters last month, decpning further comment.上月中铝副总经理吕友清告诉路透,“这是一个新的谣言。”他没有给予更多评论。

9.Looking back, LanJing night YouQing as clearly.回首,幽情如蓝静夜清。

10.Youqing, Fangkai and Yueguang visits Jinpan who is hospitapzed. Yueguang reveals Jinpan is in the last stage of cancer.有情与方楷随岳光来医院看金莲,岳光告知金莲是末期肺癌,有情震惊。