




1.你的婚礼 ... 6. Someone to come home to 有人在等你回家 7. Your wedding,your way 你的婚礼,按你的 …



1.If one Halloween a year is not creepy enough for you, your wedding day is a good day to turn into another one.如果一年一次对你来说还不够过瘾的话,婚礼就是再过一次万圣节的机会。

2.If I concentrate hard enough, I can smell the sweetness of your wedding bouquet as you held it so proudly for everyone to see.如果我集中精力,努力不够,我可以闻了甜头,你的婚礼花束为你举行这样自豪地给大家看。

3.Thank God, thanks to the fate of her daughter will be sent to you to thank all the guests, to attend your wedding is even more so.感谢上帝,感谢命运将你送到女儿身边,感谢今天所有的来宾,你们的出席使婚礼更加精彩。

4.If you were a newlywed groom, you could annul a marriage if on your wedding night you discovered that your wife has bad breath.如果你是新婚的新郎,你在新婚夜发现你的新娘有口臭你可以解除婚约。

5."But there's one thing that I won't forgive you for, that you didn't invite me to your wedding, " said Claudia, this time with a hurt voice.“但是有一件事情是我无法原谅你的,就是你居然不邀请我参加你的婚礼。”克劳迪娅说道,这次她的声音中充满了痛苦。

6.Hire a professional photographer to come with you to city hall, then send out great pictures of the event with your wedding announcement.雇一个专业摄影师跟着你们到市政厅,然后把大幅照片连带着结婚请帖派发出去。

7.Jeff: Did your husband pke the tie that you gave him for your wedding anniversary?杰夫:你丈夫喜欢你结婚纪念日送他的领带吗?

8.Sure, but while cost is always a factor, it's not exactly a good reason to leave someone important off your wedding guest pst.这当然是个问题,但是这不是将一些人从宾客名单上划掉的好理由。

9.How much sleep did you get the night before your wedding day?你结婚前那晚睡了多久?

10.You are not going to be able to avoid paying a lot for your wedding, but you can take steps to find affordable wedding dresses.你可能打算避免为你的婚纱礼服发费一笔钱,如果这样,你就有必要采取一些措施,找到一个实惠的婚纱礼服。