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1.容 任 Yam Yung 杨 Yeung ...

2.荣 裘/仇/邱: Chiu | 容/: Yung | 单/山: San | ...

3.翁 萧 KA LOK Yung 热爱祖国,热爱奥运 S031080 ...

4.勇 ZHANG 张 YUNG YUNG 蓉 ...

6.永 ing 静 yung ia 牙 ...

8.雍拥翁用容溶镕蓉 yuet 月 yung 雍拥翁用容溶镕蓉 ba 巴 ...


1.Mr Yung's daughter, Frances, then psted as the company's "director, group finance" , was demoted for her role in the scandal.荣智健的女儿荣明方(FrancesYung)因其在丑闻中所扮演的角色而被降级。当时她被列为中信泰富的“集团财务部董事”。

2.Angry yung man of many tkink of him as graven image after die.死后成为众多愤青追捧的偶像。

3.In announcing the company's losses back in October 2008, the then-chairman, Larry Yung, said the company had sat on the news for six weeks.时任董事长荣智健在2008年10月份公布相关亏损时说,公司把这一消息压了六个星期。

4.Later, CHI ignores his mother, YUNG's, objections and is determined to be with HEI.后来,赐不理母亲蓉的反对与喜相恋,二人是否白头到老?

5.June 16 is the birthday of Joey Yung, she said that day she will go for dinner with her friends and asked whether the same Ajiao ?6月16日是容祖儿的生日,她表示当天应与朋友一起吃饭,问是否会相约阿娇?

6.A well-known local chemists, openly ridiculed Wang Yung-ching did not know what the plastic, plastic plant start-up money to be sure!当地一个有名的化学家,公然嘲笑王永庆根本不知道塑胶为何物,开办塑胶厂肯定要倾家荡产!

7."China is not close to developing into a global miptary power, " says Christopher D. Yung of the National Defense University.美国国防大学(NationalDefenseUniversity)的克里斯托弗•D•扬(ChristopherD.Yung)表示:“中国发展成为世界军事强国尚需时日。”

8.Speaking at Citic Pacific's results briefing last month, Mr Yung said he did not intend to resign.在上月的中信泰富业绩发布会上,荣智健曾表示自己无意辞职。

9.Yung Shue strong vitapty, suitable for long-term bonsai culture, is a fine handed down the significance of tree species.榕树生命力强,适合于长期盆景培养,是具有传世意义的上乘树种。

10.The company member, Deputy General Manager, Eric Chan Yung read out with party commend 2008-2009 year "-two first peipangyou " decision.公司党委委员、副总经理陈建勇宣读了党委关于表彰2008--2009年度“一模两先两优”的决定。