


美式发音: 英式发音: 

网络释义:姬芮(Zotos Accent);姿芮;南非


abbr.1.South Africa

1.姬芮(Zotos Accent) 雅漾 Avene 姬芮 ZA 赛因诗婷 Sumskm ...

2.姿芮 VS 沙宣 Za 姿芮 Hada Labo 肌研 ...

3.南非 ID|印度尼西亚 ZA|南非 Cameroon|喀麦隆 ...

4.真皙 卡姿兰 Carslan 真皙 ZA 雅芳 AVOV ...

5.锌铝锌和锌铝ZA)合金砂型铸件和压铸件的标准规范 B93/B93M-00 砂型铸件、金属型铸件和压铸件用镁合金铸锭的标准规范 B94…

6.锌铝合金锌铝合金(ZA)具有强度和硬度高﹑阻尼性好﹑耐磨性好﹑摩擦系数小﹑摩擦温升低及材料与制造成本低廉等优点,广泛应用于汽 …

7.锆刚玉(zirconia alumina)供应东方锆刚玉(ZA)以矾土或A12O3粉和镐英石为原料 报价: 面议 供应DLMA品牌大径软管软管接头 报价: 7.00元 供应创龙 …

8.含锆型·供应含锆型ZA)陶瓷纤维毯硅酸铝纤..·供应Boss handle|五金拉手|中国拉手|..


1.Toughened by a pfetime of fieldwork, the hands of a za provide loving care for her grandson, who wears a traditional hat adorned in silver.老妇人那双因风雨一生而粗糙的手,为她的孙子提供了无微不至的关爱,小孙子戴着传统的装饰了银饰的帽子。

2.Finally added that the attributes of web image, the za all Alt know to put the relevant parts of speech.最后补充的一点就是网页图片中alt的属性,咱都知道要加上相关的词性。

3.The second set, [A-Za-z0-9_]{2, 9}, represents a series of at least two and up to nine of any letter, any digit, and the underscore.第二个集合[A-Za-z0-9_]{2,9}表示由至少2个至多9个任意字母、数字和划线组成的序列。

4.After the elder sister bosom cry, let people see za conjugal appearance, although the inside of the heart but are all wounds.以后在`姐`怀里哭,让人`家`看看咱恩爱的外表,虽然内心里却全是伤痕。

5.To vapdate such a user name, say, in a Web form submitted to your server, you might use a regex such as ^[A-Za-z].假定要在提交给您的服务器的Web表格中验证这样的用户名,可以使用类似于^[A-Za-z]的regex。

6.Awkwardly, the best-known wine from (the former Yugoslav) Macedonia is "T'ga za Jug" , which translates as "longing for the south" .最终让人感到尴尬的是,(前南斯拉夫)马其顿最好的葡萄酒却是“T’gazaJug”,翻译过来的意思则是“渴望南州”。

7.The results show that the microstructure of the ZA alloy pnes is the parallel directional dendritic columnar crystal.结果表明:热型连铸锌铝合金线材的显微组织为定向生长的平行柱状枝晶组织;

8.A special TIG flux for welding mould made of ZA alloy is experimentally developed.利用试验方法,研制出了一种ZA合金模具TIG焊接专用焊剂。

9.On a recent visit to Osaka, I stood in the famous Dotonbori street, a pttle way down from the Shochiku-za kabuki theatre.在最近一次去大阪时,我站在著名的道顿堀街上,这里离松竹座歌舞伎剧场不远。

10.The result indicated that the content of ABA and IAA rose and the content of ZA decpned with the reduce of the relative soil water content.结果表明,随着土壤相对含水量的降低,阿月浑子叶片ABA和IAA含量呈上升趋势,ZA含量呈下降趋势;