




1.撒该《 详全文》 分类:体验教育 2007/07/02 00:31 第九单元 体验教育 …

3.税吏撒该 265 Zacchaeus 税吏撒该 269 The Triumphant Entry 主骑驴进耶路撒冷 ...

4.税吏匝凯当时用作制造橄榄油的井(opve press)和税吏匝凯(Zacchaeus)的树(路19:1-10)(真的那一棵在耶里哥(Jericho))。


1.Jesus' encounter with Zacchaeus was no accident; it was all according to God's plan.耶稣和撒该的相遇,并不是偶然的,完全是按著神的计划进行的。

2.A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy.有一个人名叫撒该,作税吏长,是个财主。

3.Up to the time when Zacchaeus met Christ, his home could never have been called a Christian home.撒该接待耶稣之前,他的家还不算是基督化的家庭。

4.But when Christ came into the home, He also came into Zacchaeus' heart and immediately made a difference (v. 8).可是,当基督进到他的家,祂便同时进入了他的心,他整个人便即时改变了(8节)。

5.How does Zacchaeus' demonstration of his new-found faith become a model for wealthy bepevers today?撒该新获得信心后的表现为今天富足的信徒树立了怎样的榜样?

6.What information about Zacchaeus does Luke include which shows us why honest Jewish citizens would have despised him?从路加提到的关于撒该的信息看,为什么正直的犹太人会看不起他?

7.Think back to Jesus' approach to inviting Peter, Zacchaeus, and the Samaritan woman to follow him.回想耶稣邀请比得,撒该,和撒玛利亚妇女来跟随他时的方法。

8.We first notice something strange when we see Zacchaeus perched in a tree rather than seated behind his official bench in the city square.当我们看见撒该栖息在树上,而不是坐在市中心广场上为高官而设的座位时,我们已觉得事有跷蹊了;

9.Then as Jesus comes by, Zacchaeus hurries down from the tree and escorts Jesus to his house!跟着耶稣来到,撒该急忙从树上下来,与耶稣一起到他家去!

10.This story fits well with the story of Zacchaeus, because both incidents emphasize the central theme of Luke's gospel.这个故事跟撒该的故事相吻合,因为两者都强调了路加福音的主题。