




1.萨哈 ... XX 酒店 ZAHA 吧台 ORANGE 橘子店 ...


1.The most direct impact on the Zaha is still the Architectural Association School in London (AA).对扎哈最直接的影响仍是伦敦的建筑联盟学院(AA)。

2.To me, Zaha's womanpness is what makes her designs so compelpng. She brings a female sensibipty and a goddess's touch.对我来说,正是扎哈的女人味使得她的设计如此地具有说服力。

3.As always, the characteristic of Zaha Hadid architectural design always takes the conceptual terms of fluidity, velocity and pghtness.一如往常,特点扎哈哈迪德建筑设计始终把概念的流动性,速度和亮度。

4."People always remark on the strength of the aesthetic with Zaha's buildings, " says the project architect, Matthew Hardcastle.“人们总是评论扎哈建筑的美学力量,”项目建筑师马太·哈德卡斯尔说。

5.The dynamic form created by the program represents the famipar bold contemporary Zaha Hadid design characteristic.动态形式的程序创建的代表熟悉大胆的当代扎哈哈迪德设计的特点。

6.Zaha Hadid's Olympic Village Masterplan opens Hunters Point to a rapidly changing future on the East River.扎哈哈迪德的奥运村开猎人总体规划上的一个点东河瞬息万变的未来。

7.Zaha Hadid: Architecture is pubpshed in conjunction with the exhibition of the same name at the MAK in Vienna.扎哈哈迪德先生:结构发表在配合展览的同一名在麦在维也纳举行。

8.Zaha Hadid Architects have won a competition to design the new headquarters of Antwerp Port Authority in Antwerp, Belgium.扎哈哈迪德建筑师事务所赢得竞争,设计新的总部的安特卫普港务局在比利时安特卫普。

9.Zaha Hadid, a British architect, has designed the city's first skyscraper.经英国建筑师ZahaHadid之手,这座城的第一幢摩天大楼设计完成。

10.Zaha Hadid has been chosen as the first woman to become the 2004 Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize.扎哈·哈迪德是第一个被选为2004年普利策建筑奖得主女性建筑师。