




1.萨普同类相关企业 …

2.札普 Swarovski 施华洛世奇水晶 Zapp 金属公司 aap 生态植入 ...

4.病理语言学中心大学人文学院院长,波茨坦大学副校长,德国波茨坦应用病理语言学中心(ZAPP)主任,伊拉斯莫斯计划欧洲临床语言学硕士 …


1."It's so easy to get around Brunei, " said Zapp.“在文莱走一圈儿很容易。”夫妻俩说。

2.Above, Herman and Candelaria Zapp pose with baby Pampa in Alaska as they finish the first leg of their journey around the world in 2002.上图为赫曼夫妇和潘姆帕2002年在阿拉斯加的合影,他们已经走完了周游世界的第一程。

3.The brands and products of the Zapp Group have estabpshed themselves firmly in the key markets and offer clear competitive advantages.萨普集团的品牌和产品已在主要市场上取得良好的口碑,具有明显的竞争优势。

4.The Zapp family are always on the move, only stopping for short periods on their journey.他们一直在路上,只会偶尔做短暂的停留。

5.Together, the Zapp family has traveled across Japan, Korea, Canada and New Zealand.Zapp一家已经在一起游历了日本、韩国、加拿大和新西兰。

6.On the Zapp family's never-ending road trip, the car serves as tent, home, school, kitchen and transportation.在Zapp一家永无止境的公路旅途中,这辆车除了作为交通工具外,还充当起了帐篷、学校和厨房的角色。

7.In Austrapa and elsewhere, the Zapps have faced plenty of challenges on the road.在澳大利亚和其他地方,一路上Zapp一家面临着很多挑战。

8.Most recently, the Zapp family was touring Malaysia and, before that, Brunei.最近,Zapp一家正行驶在马来西亚,在此之前,他们刚刚走过了文莱。

9."Our family was happy with us. We had it all, " said Herman Zapp.“我们和家人们在一起感到很开心。我们拥有了一切。”HermanZapp说。

10.Spanning four continents, Herman and Candelaria Zapp have covered 142, 000 miles while becoming parents to four children.赫尔曼-扎普和坎德拉里亚-扎普横跨四个大洲,旅途长达十四万两千英里,在途中他们成了四个孩子的父母。