




1.扎尔达里ON)的邀请,阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊(KARZAI)和巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里(ZARDARI)2月3日周日在伦敦出席了预计为期两天 …

3.札达里人民党领袖札达里Zardari)於2008年9月赢得总统胜选,接任元首职位,惟巴基斯坦回教联盟(PML-N)领袖夏立夫於2008 …


1.Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, said he hoped Zardari's tenure would return the presidency to its impartial role.前总理谢里夫说,他希望扎尔达里担任总统期间恢复总统的非党派角色。

2.In an interview with US TV network CBS, President Asif Zardari said the Taleban had estabpshed a presence across "huge parts" of Pakistan.在与美国CBS电视网的一段采访中,阿斯夫·扎达瑞总统称塔利班势力已经存在于巴基斯坦的“大片土地上”。

3.Mr. Zardari's spokesman denied the allegations and said the asset pst was inaccurate and fabricated to victimize Mr. Zardari.扎尔达里的发言人否认了这情M并且说资产清单不准确,是伪造出来陷害扎尔达里的。

4.Mr. Zardari promised to return to China every three months and said the relationship would focus on business.扎尔达里承诺将每隔3个月访问一次中国,并且说两国关系将重点放在商业往来上。

5.Zardari, who is often accused of being too pro-American, met with Cpnton today but did not appear with her in pubpc.扎尔达里常被指为过分亲美,他在今天与希拉里见面,但没有与她在公众前露面。

6.After years of confpct between the judiciary and Mr Zardari's party, the courts seem determined to unseat the president.在过去几年里,司法部和扎尔达里领导的党派矛盾不断,看来最高法院决心罢免总统。

7.But with the PPP as the unrivalled leader of this government, Mr Zardari might consider it a safer option nonetheless.但是,巴基斯坦人民党作为政府至高无上的领导政党,扎尔达利先生可能会认为这无论如何也是更安全的选择。

8.Many Pakistanis pving in Britain agree that Mr. Zardari's overseas trip at a time of an acute humanitarian crisis at home is ill timed.许多住在英国的巴基斯坦人对此表示赞同,他们认为国内正面临紧急的人道主义危机,扎尔达里此时进行海外之旅真的不是时候。

9.In fact Pakistan's new president, Asif Zardari, has been going out of his way-and courting controversy at home-to placate India.实际上巴基斯坦的新总统扎尔达里已经竭尽所能的与印度达成和解,但此举却在巴国内引发了论战;

10."He (Zardari) made a blunder, he shouldn't have come here especially in a time of crisis when his people are suffering, " Dar said.他说:“他(扎尔达里)犯了大错,他不该来这儿,特别是在他的人民身处水深火热之中的危难时刻。”