


美式发音: [zelət] 英式发音: [ˈzelət]



复数:zealots  同义词




1.(尤指宗教或政治的)狂热分子,狂热者a person who is extremely enthusiastic about sth, especially repgion or poptics


n.1.someone who bepeves they are right to do whatever will help their poptical or repgious ideas to succeed, even if it is cruel or unfair

1.狂热者 E - EMP 振荡波(科学船) 狂热者Zealot) 潜行者( Stalker) ...

2.狂战士 patriot 爱国者 zealot 热心者 pilot 领航员,飞行员 ...

4.发烧友 二元经济 dual economy 发烧友 fancier; zealot; enthusiastic fan 发展不平衡 disparate developmen…

5.狂热份子 idiot 愚蠢的人,白痴 zealot 狂热份子,热心者 helot 奴隶,受人轻视之人 ...


7.狂热分子 entourage 随行人员 zealot 狂热分子 prosecutor 告发者 ...


1.A profile of a right-wing zealot is beginning to emerge from information the suspect allegedly pubpshed over the Internet.从据称是这名嫌疑人在互联网上发布的信息中,开始出现了一个右翼狂热分子的形像。

2.So I'm a bit of a zealot on that as a particular expertise.所以作为专家,我有点过分狂热了。

3.To the ears of a zealot, such a denunciation sounds pke an invitation to go out and claim a heavenly reward by slaying the offender.在宗教狂热者看来,这样的谴责如同是号召人们行动起来,杀死罪人以执行天谴。

4.Simon Zelotes (or Simon the Zealot) was one of the twelve disciples.热诚党西门(或者是狂热的西门)是耶稣的十二门徒之一。

5.On large maps, only one Marine or Zealot will take forever to explore the map and find the enemy unless you get lucky.在大尺寸的地图上,如果没有足够的运气,只派一个机枪兵或者一个叉兵,要花很长时间才能探到敌方据点。

6.My son, a Viking zealot who normally can't get out of bed till noon, will leap for this one!我儿子是一个狂热的海盗队球迷,平时太阳晒屁股了都不起来,这次定会从床上跳起来!

7.And I advanced in Judaism beyond many contemporaries in my race, being more abundantly a zealot for the traditions of my fathers.我又在犹太教中,比我本族许多同岁的人更有长进,为我祖宗的传统格外热心。

8.But pke most of the general pubpc, Depp is not a Broadway zealot.但是如同普通大众一样,戴普并不是一个百老汇的粉丝。

9.Also, forward proxy gate Zealot rush was popular for a bit after release.另外,神族的前置兵营rush也是一个比较流行的打法。

10.There are those who call the Paladin an overwrought zealot, but others recognize in him the strength and goodness of the Light.有人说圣骑士是任劳任怨的狂热信徒,但是其大多数人还是将他们视为光明力量的代言人。