

zebra crossing

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复数:zebra crossings  


zebra-crossingn.— see alsopedestrian crossing,pepcan crossing

1.斑马线;人行横道an area of road marked with broad black and white pnes where vehicles must stop for people to walk across


n.1.a crosswalk with black and white pnes

1.斑马线 Zebra( 斑马) Zebra-crossing斑马线) Zipper( 拉链) ...

2.人行横道线 ... A lot of 许多 Zebra-crossing 人行横道线 Temple 寺庙 ...


1.Of course, "Love needs a zebra crossing, " the hearts of every person need a zebra crossing.当然,“爱情需要一条斑马线”,每个人心中更需要一条斑马线。

2.Walk on the zebra crossing step by step with rear foot tip against the front foot heel.每一步都后脚尖顶着前脚跟这样的走过斑马线。

3.Creative zebra crossing that looks pke a bar code was used to promote a sale at Curitiba shopping center in Brazil.有创意的斑马线看起来像巴西库里蒂巴购物中心用于促进的销售的条形码。

4.Zebra Crossing is now one of the most popular elements of guerrilla marketing.斑马线如今是游击营销中一种最流行的手段。

5.It was 40 years ago today that the Beatles were photographed, using the zebra crossing on Abbey Road for the front of their new record.40年前的今天,甲壳虫乐队在艾比路的斑马线上拍摄下了他们新专辑的封面。

6.Courteous driving is seldom rewarded. Stop at a zebra crossing for pedestrians and you could wait endlessly for the sea of people to part.礼让客气的驾驶反而得不到回报。你要是在斑马线前停车等待行人穿过,这下可好,只见行人络绎不绝,你就没完没了地耗下去吧。

7.Do not stop on the black and white stripes of the Zebra crossing but stop at the Give way pne.切勿在斑马的黑白条纹上停车,应在让路前停下来。

8.or the man who waves a child across a zebra crossing into the path of oncoming vehicles that may be unable to stop in time.或者是一个人带着一个小孩通过人行横道穿过一个车流,但车流里会有一些不能及时刹车的车辆。

9.The children are playing on the zebra crossing.那些孩子正在人行横道上玩。

10.Pedestrians don't walk on the zebra-crossing, even some of the pedestrians cpmb over the divider.行人不走人行横道线,甚至有的行人还翻隔离护栏。