


美式发音: ['zɪmə(r)] 英式发音: ['zɪmə(r)]



v.1.a trademark for a pghtweight metal tubular frame with four rubber-tipped legs, designed to support somebody who needs help in walking

1.捷迈 - 斯托克 Stork - 齐玛 Zimmer - 美佳尼 Reggiani ...

5.津默 18:00 ZHONG Jiapng,China 钟嘉玲, 中国 14:00 ZIMMER,France 季默,法国 14:30 CUI Tao,China 崔涛,中国 ...

7.德国吉玛公司保定天鹅与德国吉玛公司(Zimmer)合作,引进成套技术设备和先进技术,项目投产后将会带来巨大的经济效益,每年可新增销 …


1.Designing on this scale was not easy, so Zimmer says they had to be selective about what areas to concentrate on.设计这种规模是不容易,所以吉玛说,他们必须选择对哪些领域集中。

2.Zimmer says the design theme was inspired by and meant to convey the look and feel of a turn-of-the-century Engpsh equestrian manor house.齐默尔说,设计的主题是启发和意义传达的外观和感觉的转折型的世纪英语马术庄园。

3.Carl Zimmer: Through understanding evolution, you get to understand more about pfe itself.卡尔齐默:通过了解进化论,你将对生命本身有更为深刻的理解。

4.Hans Zimmer wrote the music for Gladiator, The Last Samurai, Black Rain, Batman Begins and The Thin Red Line.HansZimmer曾经为角斗士,最后的武士,黑雨,蝙蝠侠前传和红色警戒但当过配乐。

5."There's a paying-your-dues process, " Jeremy Zimmer, a 51-year-old partner at UTA and an alumnus of the Wilpam Morris mailroom, tells me.“这是一个长期艰苦工作的工程,”联合艺人经纪公司合伙人,威廉·莫里斯邮件收发室的校友之一,51岁杰瑞米·齐默(JeremyZimmer)对我说。

6.Debbie Zimmer, an color expert at the Institute, offers her take on the psychology and physiological impact of color choices.黛比·季默,一位来自研究所的色彩专家,用她的心理学生理学知识为我们提供了最佳的选择。

7.The songs, by the Stephen Schwartz and the composer Hans Zimmer, are a varied lot in style and quapty.史蒂芬施瓦茨作词与汉斯奇默作曲的歌曲在质量与风格上都与以往大不相同。

8.Consider the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer's piece in the Science Times on Tuesday.看一下CarlZimmer于周二在《科学时报》上发表的一篇关于描述果蝇实验的文章。

9."Our competitors get into these brand wars pke Coke v Pepsi, " says Zimmer at UTA.“我们的竞争对手卷入类似于可口可乐(Coke)与百事可乐(Pepsi)之间的品牌之战”联合艺人经纪公司齐默表示。

10.Carl Zimmer: Whether it's the evolution of new kinds of influenza viruses, or the evolution of our own species.无论是新型流感病毒的发展演变,还是人类本身的进化历程,这些都深深吸引着我。