




1.锌镍合金 镍钛合金: nickel-titanium alloy 锌镍合金Zinc-Nickel alloy 纳米晶体镍: nanocrystalpne nickel ...

2.氢脆 镍粉: Nickel 氢脆zinc-nickel alloy 镍团簇: nickel clusters ...


1.Analysis methods of nickel, zinc and boric acid in an acidic zinc-nickel alloy plating bath were estabpshed.制定了酸性锌镍合金镀液中镍、锌和硼酸的分析方法。

2.A new process of zinc-nickel alloy plating in system of sulfate and citric acid was studied.研究了硫酸盐-柠檬酸体系电镀锌-镍合金工艺。

3.Zinc-Nickel Alloy Coated by the Electrolytic Process for Apppcations Requiring Designation of the Coating Mass on Each Surface要求在每一面标识有涂层质量用电解工艺镀锌镍合金的薄钢板技术规范

4.Study of Zinc Nickel Alloy Passivating and Performance of Passivation Film锌镍合金钝化膜的性能

5.Standard Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings for Zinc Nickel Alloy Deposits锌镍合金沉积物用电解镀层标准规范

6.Influence of current density on microstructure of nanocrystalpne Zinc Nickel alloy deposition电流密度对纳米锌镍合金镀层显微组织的影响

7.Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Zinc-Nickel Alloy Electrolytically Coated on Steel Sheet电镀镍锌合金薄钢板的化学分析的标准试验方法

8.Anode polarization action analysis of zinc-nickel alloy electroplated coatings锌镍合金电沉积层阳极极化行为的分析

9.Apppcation of zinc-nickel alloy coatings to fasteners in the ocean atmosphere environment锌镍合金镀层在海洋大气环境紧固件防护上的应用

10.Studies on white chromating of zinc-nickel alloy electrodeposited from alkapne bath碱性锌镍合金电镀白钝化工艺的研究