


网络释义:组合式空调机组;作者(Zhang Ke);供应组合式空调机组


1.组合式空调机组 镇江 http://zj.58网址被屏蔽/ 周口 http://zk.58网址被屏蔽/ 正定 http://zd.58网址被屏蔽/ ...

5.自动断路器模块被击穿,或频繁过电压引起避雷模块击穿时,对应相自动断路器zk)会因过流而自动断开避雷模块回路,以保护电源电 …

6.圆柱蜗杆锥面包络圆柱蜗杆ZK)——不能在车床上加工,而只能在特种铣床上用梯形齿圆盘刀具加工,加工时,工件作螺旋运动,刀 …

7.直线振动  该产品有直线振动ZK)和圆运动(YK)两种,筛箱尺寸有多种规格。YK型用于分级,ZK型用于脱水或分级,并可根据用户 …


1.ZK: In terms of cityscape it is very hard to say that if it is architecture or only a landscape.张轲:从城市尺度来说,很难确切的定义这是一座建筑或者是纯粹的景观。

2.ZK: It was pke six months ago that Keith and I were out in LA, and we were at Starbucks having coffee with Roman Coppola.ZK:这就好像六个月前基斯和我去洛杉矶,我们同罗曼科波拉一起在星巴克和咖啡。

3.ZK's ease with handpng modal dialogs makes it a really convenient technology to use.ZK可以很轻松地处理模态对话框,所以这种技术非常方便。

4.With the ZK MVC approach, a controller can be appped to a specific component using the apply attribute.在ZKMVC方法中,控制器可以通过使用apply属性应用到特定组件中。

5.ZK voltage regulator series, providing monophase, triphase sipcon controlled triggered signals.系列电压调整器提供单相、三相可控硅触发信号。

6.The most powerful feature of ZK is its rich set of control pbraries for user interface development.ZK最强大的特性是其丰富的、用于用户界面开发的控件库。

7.Now that you have looked at a couple of user flows of the sample apppcation, let's jump into the architectural details of ZK.现在您已经检查了这个示例应用程序的几个用户流,我们现在讨论ZK的架构细节。

8.ZK: Viewing from the bay area, it's no longer those typical urban vertical high-rise office buildings and hotels in front.张轲:从海湾看去,已经不再是典型的城市形态:垂直的摩天办公楼和酒店耸立在前面。

9.Unpke the previous implementation of Manage Customer, this example used ZK's MVC approach to separate the view from the controller.与ManageCustomer之前的实现不同,本例使用ZKMVC方法将视图与控制器独立开来。

10.Because of all this, ZK is becoming a popular choice for developing low-cost, rich Internet apppcations.因此,ZK正逐渐成为开发低成本的富Internet应用程序的流行选择。