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2.甄 王天一 wangtian 张 zhen ...

6.一声 zhen 臻 zhen 一声 Thanking you in advance for the favour. 谨此先臻谢意。 ...

7.不读 shen( 慎)。 zhen( 振),不读 zheng( 争),不读病症的 ...


1.Ni Zhou Yong mother to see her lying down "management of human nature" does not seem to be on the same boat found the mother Zhen Liang Qun.母亲周咏霓躺着看她的《人性管理学》,似乎没有发现同病相怜的妈妈梁群珍。

2.Days after the open eye to see things is often inaccurate, which is due to the lack of Zhen Qi in the body.天眼打开后,看到的东西往往不一定是清晰的,这是由于体内缺乏真气。

3.Being hard up, she and Yuan Zhen were immensely pleased to see me, guessing I must have brought some money with me to share with them.她和元真正穷得没法过日子,见我去时很高兴,猜想我一定拿到了钱,连忙向我瓜分。

4.The Sha Zhou island is not the most beautiful island sine I have seem, but as a Shen Zhen people, it's easy to go there.刷洲岛并不是我所见过的最漂亮的海岛,但对于一个深圳人来说,去那里很容易。

5.Rush through the bone setting eye of words in this words up, the front spreads one pure ask "is a Zhen son? "就在这话赶话的接骨眼上,前方传来一声清问“是蓁儿吗?”

6.When Jia Zhen, a play boy by nature, was tired of his wife, his eyes fell on the beautiful Third Sister.当贾折嗯,由自然发挥的男孩,是他的妻子累了,他的目光落在美丽的三姐。

7.Yang Zhen, the deputy manager, said she thought the bank had been targeted as a way of attacking the Olympics.这家分行的副经理杨珍(YangZhen,音译)表示,她认为暴徒攻击中行,目的是以此打击奥运会。

8.He wandered here and there. Finally, When he got home, he surprisedly found Zhen-zhen standing at the door, waiting for him in tears.他走来走去,最后,当他回家时,他惊讶地发现真真正泪流满面地站在门口等他。

9.Some said the road's still there. At this time, a kind person offered to drove me to Jiang Zhen by his motor.此时已经有好心人说可以回家开摩托车出来送我一程了。

10.Once there, the venue for King, seems to fall into the pap of the Bagua Zhen, dazzpng, not knowing direction.置身其中,移步换景,似乎陷进了八卦阵,令人眼花缭乱,不知方向了。