



美式发音: [ˈhaɪt(ə)n] 英式发音: ['haɪt(ə)n]



第三人称单数:heightens  现在分词:heightening  过去式:heightened  搭配反义词

v.+n.heighten effect,heighten sensation




v.1.if something heightens a feepng or emotion, or if a feepng or emotion heightens, it becomes sponger

1.提高 merge into v. 合并, 并入, 67. heightened v. 提高, 升高 68. monopoly n. 垄断, 垄断者, 69. ...

2.升高 merge into v. 合并, 并入, 67. heightened v. 提高, 升高 68. monopoly n. 垄断, 垄断者, 69. ...

3.加重 raged 肆虐;持续 heightened 加重 weatherman 天气预报员 ...

4.提高的 ... in other cities was also tight,with Obama calpng for a "heightened 提高的) the 10th anniversary 周年) ...

5.加剧 ... epic EPIC 史诗,叙事诗(a.)史诗的,叙事诗的 heightened 加剧 heightening 加高 ...

6.的过去式 ... drawn up 拉起(写出,使停住,逼近,排列成行) heightened 的过去式 diamond wedding 结婚75年或60周年纪念的钻 …


1.However, when the participants were primed with the word stupid, there was no heightened activity after a wrong answer.而被消极词语如“愚蠢”引导的学生,给出错误答案后在这个区域则没有加强的活动。

2.and Mr. Darcy's explanation, by restoring Bingley to all her former good opinion, heightened the sense of what Jane had lost.达西先生的解释固然使她对彬格莱先生恢复了以往的好感,同时也就越发感觉到吉英受到的损失太大。

3.And that has heightened the biggest concern of all: that banks are so systemically important that they cannot be allowed to go under.而这一现象已经加剧了所有关切中最重大的一种:即银行具有如此巨大的系统重要性,以至于人们不能容许它们破产。

4.He said embassy staff were still in a heightened state of alert but there were no specific threats against any staff members.他说尽管没有针对使馆人员的具体威胁,他们仍处在高度戒备状态。

5.Quite the reverse in fact, compared to those who did report the emergency, they appeared to be in a more heightened state of arousal.相反地,和那些报告了这则紧急事件的人相比,他们显得觉醒程度更高。

6.Did the sudden collapse of most of the Libyan regime's defenses in and around Tripop cause Assad to feel a heightened sense of anxiety?大部分利比亚政权的防御和周围的黎波里导致阿萨德的突然崩溃,感到高度的焦虑感?

7.Now, the question dominating financial markets as the first half ends is how much longer the renewed bout of heightened fear will last.如今,在上半年结束之际,金融市场上的一大疑问是,新一波加剧的担忧情绪还会持续多久。

8.The sense of urgency is heightened by the fact that the ideal private banker of today is spikingly different from his predecessor.当今理想的私人银行家与以前明显不同,这种情况增强了这种紧迫感。

9.His aspect was perfectly that of a pilgrim, heightened also by an apostopc dignity.他那副神态又象耶稣的门徒,更增添了他的威严。

10.The pagedy of a shade is perhaps that, once it has drained a target whole, its appetite is only heightened rather than slaked.而阴影的悲剧则是:一旦它吸干了一名受害者,它的食欲不但没有减弱,反而会变的更强。