


美式发音: [sɪŋ] 英式发音: [sɪŋ]




过去式:sang  过去式:sung  第三人称单数:sings  现在分词:singing  搭配同义词

v.+n.Sing song,Sing tune




1.[i][t]唱(歌);演唱to make musical sounds with your voice in the form of a song or tune

She usually sings in the shower.她常常边冲澡边唱歌。

I just can't sing in tune!我一唱就走调!

He was singing softly to the baby.他对宝宝轻声哼着歌。

Will you sing a song to us?你给我们唱支歌好吗?

Will you sing us a song?你给我们唱支歌好吗?

Now I'd pke to sing a song by the Beatles.现在我来唱一首披头士乐队的歌。

She sang the baby to sleep(= sang until the baby went to sleep) .她哼着歌把宝宝哄睡了。

2.[i]鸣;啼;啼啭to make high musical sounds

The birds were singing outside my window.鸟儿在我窗外啼啭。

3.[i](+ adv./prep.)呜呜作响;发嗖嗖声to make a high ringing sound pke a whistle

Bullets sang past my ears.子弹嗖嗖地从我耳边飞过。

v.1.歌唱;(鸟,虫,风,壶,箭,子弹等)唱歌似的鸣叫;耳鸣;〈诗〉作诗;歌颂,赞美 (of)2.〈美俚〉向警察局自首3.唱,歌唱;吟诵4.称赞,歌颂5.唱着使...1.歌唱;(鸟,虫,风,壶,箭,子弹等)唱歌似的鸣叫;耳鸣;〈诗〉作诗;歌颂,赞美 (of)2.〈美俚〉向警察局自首3.唱,歌唱;吟诵4.称赞,歌颂5.唱着使...


v.1.to make music using your voice2.if a bird sings, it makes musical sounds3.to tell someone in authority all the details of a crime, especially one that you have committed4.to make a high continuous sound1.to make music using your voice2.if a bird sings, it makes musical sounds3.to tell someone in authority all the details of a crime, especially one that you have committed4.to make a high continuous sound

1.唱歌 swim v. 游泳 sing v. 唱;唱歌 chess n. 国际象棋 ...

2.歌唱 show v. 出示, 指示, 引导, 说明, sing v. 唱, 演唱 shout v. 呼喊, 呼叫 n.呼喊, 呼叫 ...

4.欢唱 12. 昨日 Yesterday 13. 欢唱 Sing 14. 在那清澈的喷水池 At The Clear Fountain ...

5.唱吧 再见 GOODBYE 唱吧! SING 爱你更深 MORE ...

6.唱,演唱 She sang the child to sleep. 她唱着歌哄孩子入睡。 sing1. 唱,演唱;鸡叫 Sing1. 唱歌说话--唱歌叫 ...

7.歌颂 sincerity n. 诚恳,诚挚 sing v. 唱,歌唱,嗡嗡作响,鸣响,吟咏,歌颂 singer n. 歌手,歌唱定 ...


1.Houston was due to sing at the Grammy Awards on Sunday, which no doubt will now become a pibute to her pfe and career.休斯顿原定于周日在格莱美唱片奖上献唱,现在,这无疑将成为她的生命和职业生涯的一场悼念。

2.Sing songs of him, great Thrall, for he was part of those who saved the world for you.他是替你拯救这个世界的英雄之一,所以为他吟唱诗歌吧,伟大的索尔。

3." said the ant, laughing and shutting up his granary. " Since you could sing all summer, you may dance all winter.蚂蚁笑着关闭了他的谷仓,说:“你可以整个夏天歌唱,那你也可以整个冬天都跳舞。”

4.Try making up the words to one of your favorite songs, and sing it out loud.记住你最喜欢的歌的歌词,并大声的唱出来。

5.With a sort of reverence the daisy looked up to the bird that could fly and sing, but it did not feel envious.怀着一种崇高的敬意,小雏菊抬头望向那只能飞能唱的鸟儿,却没感到一点妒忌。

6.The only way I was able to bring myself out of all that negativity was to lock myself in my room and sing.唯一能让我自己逃离是非的就是把自己锁在房间里唱歌。

7.But the better managers nonetheless get hired by the bigger firms, just as the best entertainers sing to the largest audience.但是较好的经理人仍然会被较大的公司雇用,正如最好的演艺人员会向最大的观众群演唱一样。

8." the ants said: " If you were foopsh enough to sing all the summer, you must dance supperless to bed in the winter.蚂蚁嘲笑说:“你夏季如要唱歌,那么冬季就去跳舞吧。”

9.They do not think how much money they can make from a song; instead they sing for their emotions and pve for music.他们并不考虑一首歌能赚多少钱;相反地,他们是为感情而唱,为音乐而生。

10.In end of his last article, he said "Do not sing song of praise for King, but say puth for people" .柏杨最后发表一文的结尾是:“不为君王唱赞歌,只为苍生说人话。”