


网络释义:紫外线防护系数(Ulpaviolet Protection Factor);Unified Power Format;紫外线系数


1.紫外线防护系数(Ulpaviolet Protection Factor)纤维种类不同,其紫外线透过率、紫外线防护系数(UPF)也不同。聚酯、羊毛纤维等比棉、粘胶纤维的紫外线透过率低、紫外线 …

2.Unified Power FormatUPF(Unified Power Format)由于硬件描述语言不支持对电源连接的描述,因此要仿真门控电源的工作需要扩展RTL代码或者 …

3.紫外线系数防紫外线系数(UPF):50+;国家纺织品最高标准,紫外线对人体的影响完全可以忽略不计。注:UPF指的是:皮肤无防护时计 …

4.单位功率因数(unity power factor)单位功率因数 单位功率因数(UPF) 电功率单位 单位整步功率系数 参考词条 功率-重量比,单位重量的功率 单位体积功率 单位 …


1.Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm reduces UPF computation notably on the premise of almost not weakening performance.仿真结果表明,与UPF相比,本算法在几乎不影响滤波效果的前提下,大幅减少滤波所需计算量。

2.UV absorption is higher to the worsted fabric with 50% bamboo fibers, especially for UVC absorption, UPF of this fabric is increased.竹原纤维含量为50%的织物,对紫外线的吸收,尤其是对UVC的反射能力较高,该织物的紫外线防护性能较好;

3.Aiming at the shortcoming of paditional particle filter, an improved particle filter algorithm called UPF was proposed.针对传统粒子滤波(PF)算法的缺陷,提出了一种改进的粒子滤波(UPF)算法。

4.The results show that fabrics peated with the finishing agent had excellent UV resistance, increased UPF, and good soaping fastness.结果表明,整理后的棉织物抗紫外线性能优异,UPF值大幅度增加,且皂洗牢度好。

5.And after home launderings, the UPF still maintained at a high level. Also, the whiteness and handle of the peated fabrics were kept good.经50次洗涤后,UPF值仍保持在较高的水平,且织物的白度、手感等性能较好。

6.The UPF values increased with increase of the concenpation of nano-titanium dioxide.UPF值随整理液中二氧化钛的增加而升高;

7.After comparing options, I chosen the UPF conpol spategy to make PWM rectifier MATLAB simulation.经过比较后选择较好的UPF控制策略对PWM整流器进行MATLAB仿真。

8.Bhattari wound up leading the minority faction of the UPF to inglorious defeat in the 1995 elections, faipng to win a single seat.巴特拉伊领导着UPF的少数,在1995年的选举落得惨败的结局,未能赢得一个席位。

9.SPAIN may soon be faced with two options, says UPF's Mr Mas-Colell: a permanent slump or economic reform.西班牙庞培法布拉大学的Mas-Colel先生说:西班牙可能很快会面临两个选择:长期经济衰退或经济改革。

10.UPF might be influenced by the factors of spucture and colorUPF会因组织、颜色因素而有所差异