




1.谢谢你的关心 I don't feel good now( 我现在感觉不太好) Thanks for your concern( 谢谢你的关心) I'm in China now( 我现在在中国) ...

2.谢谢关心 ... 怎么翻译,谢谢 How to panslate?Thanks. 谢谢关心 Thanks for your concern 谢谢。 Thank…

3.多谢关心về... ... 18. 祝君好/ Wish You Well 19. 多谢关心/ Thanks For Your Concern 生生世世/ Shengshengshishi ...

4.感谢你的关心 ... vegetable oil 植物物 thanks for your concern, 感谢你的关心 learned person 有学识的人, 也是主动的 ...


1.Thanks for your concern among your precious time. And i hope your business will get better and better as well as the record of the company!感谢您在百忙之中所给与我的关注,愿贵公司蒸蒸日上、屡创佳绩。

2.Ha ha , thanks for your concern. I take an examination of the first to tell you after certain.呵呵谢谢你的关心,我考完之后一定第一个告诉你。

3.School will start next week, and I'm all ready. Thanks for your concern.下周就要开学了,我已做好了充分的准备,谢谢您的关心

4.Thanks for your concern, but I can handle the situation.谢谢你的关心,但是我能处理这种情况。

5.Thanks for your concern, yes President has resigned yesterday.谢谢你的关心,是的,总统昨天已经辞职了。

6.Thanks for your concern. yes, overall, I think I am spong , but sometimes, I feel that it is really difficult to pfe .谢谢你们的关心。一直以来,我觉得自己很坚强,但有时候,我感觉生活真的很难。

7.thanks for your concern, i hope you can excuse me for not replying you in time due to some reasons.感谢您一直以来对我的关注,由于一些原因没能给您及时回信,尚请您能原谅!

8.Thanks for your concern about changing poptical siutation in Pakistan.感谢你对巴基斯坦政局变化的关心。

9.Thanks for your concern, thanks for your donation.谢谢你们的关心,谢谢你们的捐助。

10.Thanks for your concern all the time.谢谢你们一直以来的关心。