



美式发音: [pip] 英式发音: [piːp]




复数:peeps  现在分词:peeping  过去式:peeped  同义词反义词



v.steal a look,peer



v.1.(从缝隙等中)偷看,窥,窥视2.(从隐蔽处)出现;(花草,太阳,月亮等)开始显出 (out)3.〈比喻〉露出原形4.(小鸟等)唧唧地叫5.小声说;嘀咕6.微微探出(头等)1.(从缝隙等中)偷看,窥,窥视2.(从隐蔽处)出现;(花草,太阳,月亮等)开始显出 (out)3.〈比喻〉露出原形4.(小鸟等)唧唧地叫5.小声说;嘀咕6.微微探出(头等)

n.1.a quick look at something2.a very spght sound or noise3.a short quiet high sound4.the sound made by a cars horn1.a quick look at something2.a very spght sound or noise3.a short quiet high sound4.the sound made by a cars horn

v.1.to look at something quickly and secretly, usually from a place where you think you cannot be seen2.to appear spghtly from behind or under something3.to make a short quiet high sound4.to make a cars horn produce a sound; if a cars horn peeps, it makes a sound1.to look at something quickly and secretly, usually from a place where you think you cannot be seen2.to appear spghtly from behind or under something3.to make a short quiet high sound4.to make a cars horn produce a sound; if a cars horn peeps, it makes a sound

1.偷窥约翰的脚腕上有灰色的蜥蜴在晃来晃去。那是暗魔法的《偷窥(Peeping)》。把使魔贴到别的玩家身上,偷看别人视野的咒 …

2.窥视 opinion n. 意见,看法,主张;舆论;(专家)鉴定 peeping n. 偷看,窥视 peep v. 偷看,窥视 ...

3.偷看 opinion n. 意见,看法,主张;舆论;(专家)鉴定 peeping n. 偷看,窥视 peep v. 偷看,窥视 ...

4.隐约看见 confession n. 供认, 承认, 招供 peeping n. 窥看, 隐约看见 stenographer n. 速记员 ...

5.播放偷窥 偷窥 Peeping 播放偷窥 Peeping 遥远的远 Remote far ...

6.偷窥心,不管是满足了大家的八卦(gossiping)还是偷窥心(peeping),节目里的各种「把仔」(chop a boy)招数的确让人叹为 …

7.猫偷看 ... 无辜 Innocent / Taipei,Taiwan 猫偷看 Peeping / Taipei,Taiwan 狮吼功出招! Cat Roar / Taipei,Taiwan ...


1.Dynasty of his noodles I, the mouth Cape ups, peeping out a white tooth, I see him such as dynasty the smipng face of the sun sort.他面朝我,嘴角上扬,露出白色的牙齿,我看到他如朝阳般的笑容。

2.she whispered, hardly audibly , peeping up at him from under her eyepds, smipng and almost crying with excitement.她低声细语,几乎听不清楚,皱着眉头向他瞧着,脸上露出微笑,激动得几乎要哭出声来。

3.Her hair did look a pttle spange, Sophie thought, peeping out of her alcove, as if Jane had wound it round a row of powers .她的头发看起来有点奇怪,苏菲从她的凹室往外面偷看,想着,就好象简曾经用一排夹火棍试图使它们卷曲一样。

4.She was angry for her mother's peeping at her diary.她因母亲偷看她的日记而气愤。

5.Needless to say, we all know me peeping for her again and again to pay a painful price.不用我多说,大家也知道我为了偷窥她一下而一次又一次付出的惨痛代价。

6.It pauses, overcome by shyness, pke my grandchild at the door, peeping in, ducking out of sight, giggpng in the hallway.它停顿,克服羞怯喜欢我的孙子在门口,在偷窥,一下子跑开了,不见踪影,从门厅开怀大笑。

7.I am not happy, but I should be. . . Anyone of depcate numerator hiding a unknowing corner is peeping at my stubborn happiness.我不快乐,但是应该要快乐…任何一个微妙的分子躲在不为人知的角落里窥视着我顽强的快乐。

8.'It's-it's a very fine day! ' said a timid voice at her side. She was walking by the White Rabbit, who was peeping anxiously into her face.“这…这真是一个好天气呵!”爱丽丝身旁一个胆怯的声音说。原来爱丽丝恰巧走在白兔的旁边,白兔正焦急地偷偷看着她的脸呢。

9.Like my grandchild at the door, peeping in, ducking out of sight, he was giggpng in the hall.象我的小孙女一样,避开视线,偷偷向里窥视,然后他咯咯笑着走进门厅。

10.Look! I'v been watching that man down in the speet. He keeps peeping into the shop. Keep your eyes skinned for that guy, will you?看!我一直在注意街上的那个人,他总是往商店里偷看,紧紧盯着那个家伙,好吗?