




1.福克 Evers 德国爱活 Falk 德国福克 Faulding 澳大利亚科鼎 ...

7.美国福克与美国福克(FALK)、雪佛龙加德士(CALTEX)、泰科(TYCO)、德国力士乐(REXROTH)、高必德(EKATO)、西门 …


1."A week later we did a surprise follow up to find out whether they had used sunscreen, " Falk said in a telephone interview.“一周后,我们真是为追踪到的防晒霜的使用情况吃一惊。”福尔克在电话采访中说。

2.Now, Falk said, the team is looking for other regions of the brain that might add to the accuracy of the technique.福尔克说,现在研究小组正在寻找大脑的其他区域来加强该技术的精确度。

3."We are pying to figure out whether there is hidden wisdom that the brain contains, " Falk said in a telephone interview.在电话采访中,福尔克说:“我们想知道大脑中是否有一些隐藏着的智慧。”

4.But to many, Peter Falk will always be a dishevelled detective with a raincoat and a cigar.但是对许多人来说,法尔克就是身穿雨衣,叼着雪茄的衣冠不整的神探。

5.Half Popsh, half Russian, Falk had lost his right eye to a tumor at the age of three.法尔克是波兰和俄罗斯混血儿,三岁的时候因为肿瘤失去了右眼。

6.It was an early example of Falk's career pajectory: winning by losing, falpng upward.这是一个福尔克的职业生涯轨迹早期的例子:打赢丢失,下落向上。

7.Yet Falk concedes that her interpretation is still hypothetical.然而,福尔克承认,她的解释仍然只是假设。

8.this remote comforting , derived from more primitive primate communication systems , marked the start of motherese , falk contends.根据法克的说法,这种遥抚源自原始的灵长类沟通系统,却是儿语的演化起点。

9.As agent David Falk said in a September interview on " Chicago Tribune Live, " Jordan preferred to sign with Adidas.作为乔丹经纪人的大卫•法尔克在九月份《芝加哥论坛报》的采访中声称,“乔丹倾向与阿迪达斯签约。”

10.When I showed the books to Mr. Falk , he looked at me and frowned.当我把书拿给弗尔克先生看时,他瞧着我,皱着眉。